Percent of Christian population that is: Catholic (50.1%) Protestant (36.7%) Eastern / Oriental Orthodox (11.9%) Other Christian (1.3%) This is a list of Christian denominations by number of members. One of the more odd church statistics comes from the same Gallup Poll. This includes access to a chaplain or religious advisor, authorised religious reading materials,[167] ability to change faith, as well as other privileges. [149], In the 2001 Census, a total of 42,262 people from England, Scotland, and Wales declared themselves to be pagans or adherents of Wicca. The Church of England separated from the Catholic Church in 1534 and became the established church by Parliament in the Act of Supremacy, beginning a series of events known as the English Reformation. Therefore, a local authority was acting lawfully in denying a Christian married couple the right to foster care because of stated negative views on homosexuality. When interpreting the results of this analysis, it should be remembered that the estimated percentages may be indicative (or otherwise) of a statistical association between participation levels and religious affiliation, but do not necessarily imply a causal relationship between the two. [113], The first missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to proselytise in the British Isles arrived in 1837. [30] The May 2019 Special Eurobarometer found that 50% were Christians (14% Protestants, 13% Catholics, 7% Orthodox and 16% other Christians), 37% non-religious (9% atheists, 28% 'nonbelievers and agnostics'), 5% Muslims (3% Sunnis, 1% Shias, 1% other Muslims), 1% Sikhs, 1% Hindus, fewer than 1% Jews, fewer than 1% Buddhists, 4% other religions, 1% didn't know, and 1% refused to answer. [172] This data is then compiled into reports and published in the House of Commons library. These decreases in religious practice and affiliation are further accentuated when set against the background of a modest rise in religious provision, reflected in the forecast growth in the number of UK clergy from 36,630 in 2010 to 38,800 in 2020 and … In Northern Ireland, 91 per cent of people said they believed in sin. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales was founded in the late 1980s and organized themselves as a presbytery in 1996. "Any other religion" encompasses those religions that are not otherwise listed separately. Later, he translated several Jain texts into English. Elim Pentecostal Church as of 2013[update] had over 500 churches across the United Kingdom.[98]. ", "BBC – History of Islam in the UK – population figures", "Muslims rise while Christians fall in Britain", ANALYSIS OF RELIGION IN THE 2001 CENSUS: Summary Report, "NISRA - Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (c) 2015", Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society',, "Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society, "David Cameron must face the challenge of Islamisation", The church also maintains two temples in England, the first opening in the London area in 1958, and the second completed in 1998 in Preston and known as the Preston England Temple. Perceptions of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia as problems in the UK and of the Labour Party’s handling of anti-Semitism (4114) Planned attendance at a Christmas religious service in 2020 (4113) Accordingly, most public officials may display the most common identifiers of a major religion in the course of their duties – for example, rosary beads. In line with the 2011 Census, questions in all surveys relating to religion are voluntary and respondents can opt not to reveal their religious affiliation. The number of people in Britain who say they have no religion has increased by a staggering 46% over the past seven years, making non-religious people the fastest growing group in the country, according to new figures released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).. In Scotland, the Church of Scotland (informally known by its Scots language name, "the Kirk"), is recognised as the national church. The United Kingdom, comprised of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, guarantees freedom of religion to its citizens and residents through 3 different regulations. Christianity. It is predicted that by 2020 attendance will be around 4%, with an average age of 56. United Kingdom Religion, Economy and Politics 49% of the UK population is irreligious (or has no particular affiliation with any religion), 17% is affiliated with an Anglican Christian, 17% with a non-Anglican Christian faith, 8% Roman Catholic, 5% Islamic, and 4% other beliefs. The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland was formed in 1893 by some who left the Free Church over alleged weakening of her position and likewise claims to be the spiritual descendant of the Scottish Reformation. The Education (Scotland) Act 1980 imposes a statutory duty on all local authorities to provide religious education and religious observance in Scottish schools. Source: Office for National Statistics, 2020. The percentages declaring themselves Christians in the 2011 Census are 59.4 in England, 57.6 in Wales and 53.8 in Scotland, which decreased by 12.3, 14.3, and 11.3 percentage points respectively from the census of 2001. The Church of England also has the right to draft legislative measures (related to religious administration) through the General Synod that can then be passed into law by Parliament. The Scottish Episcopal Church, which is part of the Anglican Communion (but not a "daughter church" of the Church of England),[102] dates from the final establishment of Presbyterianism in Scotland in 1690, when it split from the Church of Scotland. The homegrown British Orthodox Church and Celtic Orthodox Church, although both minor, are also represented. [79] The Office for National Statistics revealed the total figure in a press release entitled "390,000 Jedi there are".[80]. These people were evenly divided between those who have been in the past but have since left (16 million) and those who have never been in their lives (16.2 million). This, and the relatively large number of individuals with nominal or no religious affiliations, has led commentators to variously describe the United Kingdom as a post-Christian, multi-faith and secularised society. [17], The substantial immigration to the United Kingdom since the 1920s has contributed to the growth of foreign faiths, especially of Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism,[18] The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has worked with representatives from across government to identify the data that currently exist to understand the circumstances of people of different religious identities. In England in 2016 to 2017, 66% of adults who identified as Christian reported that they feel they belong to their neighbourhood and almost half (47%) said that most people in their neighbourhood could be trusted. Where available, 95% confidence intervals have been shown. Chaplains are provided in the armed forces (see Royal Army Chaplains' Department, RAF Chaplains Branch) and in prisons. [68], A December 2007 report by Christian Research showed that the services of the Catholic Church had become the best-attended services of Christian denominations in England, with average attendance at Sunday Mass of 861,000, compared to 852,000 attending Anglican services. Throughout this release, comparisons are only made between estimates for different religious groupings where these are statistically significant (see Uncertainty and quality in Section 6 for details of how statistical significance is assessed). [165], In Scotland, the majority of schools are non-denominational, but separate Catholic schools, with an element of control by the Catholic Church, are provided within the state system. The Government Statistical Service (GSS) harmonised principle on religion recommends that, where a single question is used in data collection, the concept that should be measured is religious affiliation. The number of … For the first time, respondents were able to write in an affiliation not covered by the checklist of common religions, and a total of 42,262 people from England, Scotland and Wales declared themselves to be Pagans by this method. [164] According to a 2003 report from the Office for Standards in Education, a "third of governing bodies do not fulfil their statutory duties adequately, sometimes because of a failure to pursue thoroughly enough such matters as arranging a daily act of collective worship". [71], One study showed that in 2004 at least 930,000 Muslims attended a mosque at least once a week, just outnumbering the 916,000 regular churchgoers in the Church of England. 5.3% were Agnostics, 6.8% were Atheists and 15.0% were not sure about their religious affiliation or refused to answer to the question. [60], The Annual Population Survey is a combined statistical survey of households in Great Britain which is conducted quarterly by the Office for National Statistics and combines results from the Labour Force Survey and the English, Welsh and Scottish Labour Force Survey,[61] gathers information about the religious affiliation, reported in the table below. [9] It retains a representation in the UK Parliament and the British monarch is its Supreme Governor. [37][57], Other major polls agree with the British Social Attitudes surveys and the European Social Surveys, with a YouGov survey fielded in February 2012 indicating that 43% of respondents claimed to belong to a religion and 76% claimed they were not very religious or not religious at all. Applied to the British churches in general by Steve Bruce and to Methodism in particular by Robert Currie, this model traces decline back to the Victorian era and charts in the twentieth century a steady ebbing of the sea of faith. )[29], Eurostat's Eurobarometer survey in December 2018 found that 53.6% of UK's population is Christian, while 6.2% belong to other religions and 40.2% are non-religious (30.3% Agnostics, 9.9% Atheists). [150][151], According to the 2011 UK Census, there are roughly 53,172 people who identify as Pagan in England,[nb 1] and 3,448 in Wales,[nb 2] as well as 11,026 Wiccans in England and 740 in Wales. Figure 12. from 2001 to 2011, the percentage of the population of England and Wales that was White British decreased from 87.4% to 80.5%, while the Other White group saw the largest increase in their share of the population, from 2.6% to 4.4%; the percentage of the population from a Black African background doubled from 0.9% in 2001 to 1.8% in 2011 The Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria has two regional Dioceses in the United Kingdom: the Diocese of Ireland, Scotland, North East England, and the Diocese of the Midlands. [189][190][191][192] This is argued to make them the fastest secularising nations in history. Clause 71 of the act gives parents the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and Collective Worship[162] and parents should be informed of their right in accordance with guidelines published by the Department for Education; "a school should ensure parents or carers are informed of this right". This means that estimates for the number of religionists in every country of the world are now reconciled with the United Nations population projections for mid-2020. The reasons for inequalities are complex, as today’s findings show, with a range of factors to be taken into account. Beliefs vary based on religion. One of these laws is the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees the right to free religious choice. [186], In 2011, Clive Bone sued Bideford Town Council for opening meetings with prayer. The Labour Force Survey asked the question "What is your religion even if you are not currently practising?" Most of the Muslims in England live in London, and they practice Sunni Islam. Society in the United Kingdom is markedly more secular than it was in the past and the number of churchgoers fell over the second half of the 20th century. [132] The Prison Officers' Association has put that down to thousands of prisoners becoming so-called "convenience Muslims" – converting to the religion to deliberately play the system. [ ...] It added they were also being made even more vulnerable to radicalisation. Wikimedia list article. This means that estimates for the number of religionists in every country of the world are now reconciled with the United Nations population projections for mid-2020. Channels also offer documentaries on, or from the perspective of a criticism of organised religion. Catholicism is the second largest denomination in England and Wales, with around five million members, mainly in England. [98] Assemblies of God Ireland cover the whole of the island of Ireland, including Northern Ireland. The Community Life Survey for England asks people how strongly they feel they belong to their immediate neighbourhood. Overall church attendance at Christmas has been steadily increasing in recent years; a 2005 poll found that 43 per cent expected to attend a church service over the Christmas period, in comparison with 39% and 33% for corresponding polls taken in 2003 and 2001 respectively. The participation domain is about being able “to participate in decision-making and in communities, to access services, to know that your privacy will be respected, and to be able to express yourself”. The Methodist movement traces its origin to John Wesley and the evangelical revival in the 18th century. You can change your cookie settings at any time. [10], In Scotland, the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, established in a separate Scottish Reformation in the sixteenth century, is recognized as the national church. Countries and territories with the greatest proportion of Christians from Christianity by country (as of 2010 ): According to a Labour Force Survey estimate, the total number of Muslims in Great Britain in 2008 was 2,422,000, around 4 per cent of the total population. The Equality and Human Rights Commission Measurement Framework (PDF, 15.66MB) identifies six domains or areas of life that are important to people and enable them to flourish. The statistics presented are estimates and as with all estimates, there is a level of uncertainty associated with them. By 1900 as many as 100,000 converts had joined the faith, but most of these early members soon emigrated to the United States to join the main body of the church. [156], Some minor parties are explicitly 'religious' in ideology: two 'Christian' parties – the Christian Party and the Christian Peoples Alliance, fielded joint candidates at the 2009 European Parliament elections and increased their share of the vote to come eighth, with 249,493 votes (1.6% of total votes cast), and in London, where the CPA had three councillors,[157] the Christian parties picked up 51,336 votes (2.9% of the vote), up slightly from the 45,038 gained in 2004. Throughout this release we have assessed statistical significance using non-overlapping confidence intervals. It has about 60 churches in Northern Ireland. The first wave of Sikh migration came in the 1940s, mostly of men from the Punjab seeking work in industries such as foundries and textiles. Some sources may just use the term Asian, others may differentiate between different Asian groups or different religious groups.) The Monarch of the United Kingdom is the Supreme Governor of the Church. Insular Christianity as it stood between the 6th and 8th centuries retained some idiosyncrasies in terms of liturgy and calendar, but it had been nominally united with Roman Christianity since at least the Synod of Whitby of 664. Other Pagan paths, such as Druidism, and general "Pagan" have not been included in this number. from 2001 to 2011, the percentage of the population of England and Wales that was White British decreased from 87.4% to 80.5%, while the Other White group saw the largest increase in their share of the population, from 2.6% to 4.4%; the percentage of the population from a Black African background doubled from 0.9% in 2001 to 1.8% in 2011 with a response of 15.7% selecting "no religion" in 2004 and 22.4% selecting "no religion" in 2010. OPINION POLLS. The Russian Orthodox Church has a Diocese of Sourozh, which covers Great Britain and Ireland,[109] and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia also has a diocese in the same territory. In line with this aim, this release focuses on statistics that capture the full range of religious groups contained within the harmonised principle and does not include estimates that are available only for broad religious groupings. [147] There is an Institute of Jainology at Greenford, London. It has not been possible to present estimates for Wales separately from England because of sample sizes for some religious groups (see Related links for sources of information for Wales only for broad religious groups.). In terms of the rights recognised "in the case of fostering arrangements at least, the right of homosexuals to equality should take precedence over the right of Christians to manifest their beliefs and moral values". The United Reformed Church (URC), a union of Presbyterian and Congregational churches, consists of about 1383 congregations in England, Scotland and Wales. ", "Census 2001 Summary theme figures and rankings - 390,000 Jedi There Are", Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland, "World Council of Churches – Methodist Church of Great Britain", Methodism in Numbers – Statistics at a Glance (2020 edition), "BBC – Religions – Christianity: Salvation Army", "BBC – Religions – Christianity: Pentecostalism", "A Brief Introduction to the Scottish Episcopal Church", "British Social Attitudes: Church of England decline has accelerated in past decade", "Church of England 'one generation away from extinction' after dramatic loss of followers", Analysis of Religion in the 2001 Census: Summary Report, "Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of the British Isles and Ireland", "BBC – Religions – Christianity: Exclusive Brethren", "Country Profile: United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales)", "Do you know where the oldest Mormon chapel in the world is? In the 2011 UK Census, the total population of the United Kingdom was about 63,182,000. Due to the lack of authoritative contemporary sources, estimates of the population of England for dates … [28], In 2012 about 6% of the population of the United Kingdom regularly attended church, with the average age of attendees being 51; in contrast, in 1980, 11% had regularly attended, with an average age of 37. In 1983, in a large public opinion survey, almost a third of Britons said they believed in Hell and the Devil. This makes it difficult to make robust comparisons between groups. By way of contrast, the Anglican percentage has declined from 44.5% in 1983 to 19.0% in 2014. Both Odinism and Esetroth draw inspiration from the Anglo-Saxon identity and culture of England, with almost no difference between them, other than in terminology and organisation, with Esetroth movements having experienced a recent prominence and motivation. Volunteering was higher among those who identified as Jewish (44%), Buddhist (31%), “‘any other religion” (30%) or Christian (23%) than remaining religious groupings in England and Wales in 2016 to 2018. Only 6% of adults in Britain are practising Christians, and very few of them decided to become Christians during adulthood. The Church estimated that about 1% of churchgoers were lost to death each year; the Church's age profile suggested that attendances would continue to decline. ", This page was last edited on 22 March 2021, at 08:16. Estimates in 2009 suggested a total of about 2.4 million Muslims over all the United Kingdom. These show the range within which we would expect the true value to lie for 95 out of every 100 samples drawn at random from the population. A religious person believes in a higher … [114][115] Restored 1994–2000, the Gadfield Elm Chapel in Worcestershire is the oldest extant chapel of the LDS Church.[116]. In addition, no adjustments have been made for multiple comparisons. 2. Religion in the United Kingdom, and in the countries that preceded it, has been dominated for over 1,000 years by various forms of Christianity. Africans began to arrive in the early 1980s and established their own congregations. The table below shows changes in the proportion (by percentage points) of the population of England … Research carried out by Brierley Consultancy in the UK, and published in Church Statisticsgives an insight into the membership of churches, the number of places of worship and ministers. These are broadly grouped together as the British New Church Movement and could number up to 400,000 members. In 1924 London's Buddhist Society was founded, and in 1926 the Theravadin London Buddhist Vihara. There are an estimated 18,000 Christadelphians in the UK. [36] This suggests that the religious UK population identify themselves as having Christian beliefs, but maybe not as active "church-goers".[37]. It is inevitably partial and generally based on claims by the denominations themselves. with a response of 64% stating "Christian" and 26% stating "none". [90] There are about 600 Congregational churches in the United Kingdom. The familiar starting-point, a classical model of secularisation, argues that religious faith becomes less plausible and religious practice more difficult in advanced industrial and urbanized societies. Interviews are carried out face-to-face or through a self-completion online survey. Buddhism in the United Kingdom experienced growth partly due to immigration and partly due to conversion (especially when including Secular Buddhism).[19]. The first home-grown Buddhist movement was also founded in 1967, the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (now the Triratna Buddhist Community). Religion in the United Kingdom, and in the countries that preceded it, has been dominated for over 1,000 years by various forms of Christianity. There is a disparity between the figures for those identifying themselves with a particular religion and for those proclaiming a belief in a God: In the 2001 census, 390,127 individuals (0.7 per cent of total respondents) in England and Wales self-identified as followers of the Jedi faith. In the UK census for 2011, there were about 178,000 people who registered their religion as Buddhism. [160] The Prime Minister, regardless of personal beliefs, plays a key role in the appointment of Church of England bishops, although in July 2007 Gordon Brown proposed reforms of the Prime Minister's ability to affect Church of England appointments.[161]. 20 Jan 2020 The base year of the World Religion Database has been updated from mid-2015 to mid-2020. [59] The Tearfund Survey in 2007 found that only 7% of the population considered themselves as practising Christians. [189] Religion has been seen as both a product and a cause of political divisions in Northern Ireland. The second largest religious group were Muslims with 4.8% of the population (2.7 million people). During the reign of King Edward VII the first Sikh society in the UK was founded in 1908, it was called The Khalsa Jatha. There is no strict separation of church and state in the United Kingdom. colleges who permit religious insignia necklaces on a wider basis, which are without exception permitted at universities. People who strictly identified as "Pagan". Buddhism as a path of practise was pioneered by the Theosophists, Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott, and in 1880 they became the first Westerners to receive the Three refuges and Five precepts, the formal conversion ceremony by which one traditionally accepted and becomes a Buddhist. [126] These numbered only 24,037 in 1891 but 51,616 on the eve of World War I. The European Social Survey asked the question "Which religion or denomination do you belong to at present?" 59.1% of adult Catholics are women, roughly in line with the percentage of female Christians as a whole (58.6%). Religious affiliations of United Kingdom citizens are recorded by regular surveys, the four major ones being the national decennial census, the Labour Force Survey, the British Social Attitudes survey and the European Social Survey. While the United Kingdom's official religion is Protestant Christianity, the Church of England remains the state church of its largest constituent region, England. In Scotland, attendance at Church of Scotland services declined by 19% and attendance at Catholic services fell by 25%. The United Kingdom was formed by the union of previously independent countries in 1707, and consequently most of the largest religious groups do not have UK-wide organisational structures. Pre-Roman forms of religion in Britain included various forms of ancestor worship and paganism. [158], The Church of England is represented in the UK Parliament by 26 bishops (the Lords Spiritual) and the British monarch is a member of the church (required under Article 2 of the Treaty of Union) as well as its Supreme Governor. Because of the wide confidence intervals around some of these estimates, caution should be exercised when making comparisons across other religious groupings as apparent differences may not be statistically significant. [148], One of the first Jain settlers, Champat Rai Jain, was in England during 1892–1897 to study law. Other Pagan paths, such as Wicca or Druidism, have not been included in this number. [107] The apostolic nuncio to the whole of Ireland (both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland) is Jude Thaddeus Okolo. [73], "Do you consider yourself as belonging to any particular religion or denomination? The Community Life Survey is a household self-completion online and paper survey of approximately 10,000 adults aged 16 years or over in England. The religion that the largest proportion of the populations in both England and Wales identified with was Christianity (59% and 58% respectively). The rate of growth was slow but steady through the century, and the 1950s saw the development of interest in Zen Buddhism. [72] Muslim sources claim the number of practising Muslims is underestimated as nearly all of them pray at home. Currently, 19% of Americans don’t have a religious preference. You’ve accepted all cookies. This would expand in Great Britain, partly due to Irish immigration in the nineteenth century,[14] the Catholic emancipation and the Restoration of the English hierarchy. The Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland has 31 congregations in Northern Ireland,[88] with the first Presbytery being formed in Antrim in 1725.[89]. The Presbyterian Church of Wales seceded from the Church of England in 1811 and formally formed itself into a separate body in 1823. In Scotland the churches are mostly members of the Congregational Federation and in Wales which traditionally has a larger number of Congregationalists, most are members of the Union of Welsh Independents. Only a third of adults who identified as having no religion (33%) reported this. Catholicism is also Scotland's second largest Christian denomination, representing a fifth of the population. [125] During the 18th century, lascars (sailors) who worked for the British East India Company settled in port towns with local wives. Analyses include people affiliating with a religion in the 2011 census, and religions among the non-UK born population in England and Wales. Religious Preferences By Generation. Ecumenical friendship and cooperation has gradually developed between Christian denominations and where inter-sect prejudice exists this has via education and employment policy been made a pressing public matter in dealing with its two prominent examples – sectarianism in Glasgow and Northern Ireland – where segregation is declining. Movement and Neopaganism a range of factors to be discouraged and local congregations grew more rapidly receive! And paper survey of approximately 10,000 adults aged 16 years or over in England uk religion percentage 2020 aimed at Church of in. Represented in the United States began to be granted `` registered Charity status. ] there is also a growing number of practising Muslims is uk religion percentage 2020 as nearly all them... 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