To bring a claim against an employer based on the harassment of a co-worker, however, the U.S. Supreme Court has determined that an employee would have to show that the employer knew or should have known of the harassment, and failed to stop it. If they are there to coerce you into complying with one of their invasive surveys, i.e. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest. Census Bureau stops layoffs for door knockers after order. [Verbal Harassment] Stop insulting me – this is verbal harassment. Americans are fed up with these mandatory census surveys and they’re asking us to stop the harassment.” Look at that arrogance, as if he has a right to be trespassing on my front porch. An East Dallas woman is outraged after she claims one U.S. Census worker showed up at her door for a housing survey and would not take “no” for an answer. Harassment by the Census Bureau We, like good U.S. Citizens, filled out the US Census form the … Their tools are audacity and a false sense of entitlement. The ABC News Fixer may be able to help. For instance, your representative had no right to disobey our polite, repeated demands to leave our private property, especially when said property is clearly marked in visible places with signage indicating ‘private property’ and ‘no trespassing’. Hmm. … And no, I’m not using reductio ad absurdum or an absurd or outlandish metaphor so ridiculous it proves my point; I’m saying these unconstitutional Census takers are unto Nazis. If Congress does not act pursuant to one of the enumerated powers given to it by the Constitution, it is infringing upon those powers which are reserved to the states by the Tenth Amendment (U.S. v. Mussari, D.Ariz.1995, 894 F.Supp. Can I get you a cup of coffee pal? Since I am the one home all day, I am getting the brunt of it. Therefore, neither Congress nor the Census Bureau has the constitutional authority to require the type of information requested by these surveys since they are not a component of the enumeration outlined in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. Survey participants are asked about their age, sex, race, family and relationships, income and benefits, health insurance, education, veteran status, disabilities, where they work and about their commute, and when they live and how much they spend on certain essentials. Inform the postmaster in your city about this behavior, however, and they will do nothing. I refuse to fill out the information. You may copy it and use it in defense of you and your family’s constitutional rights should these Nazis ever again come pounding on your door. She is calling me several times a day, stopping at my house frequently and casing my house, leaving threatening written messages on my doorstep of fines and "further action" if I don't complete this "survey". Census takers are no longer visiting households to collect responses to the 2020 Census. Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 190. Well said, history teacher. Without the enjoyment of this right, all others would lose half their value’.”. Therefore, any legislation beyond the limits of the powers delegated is an invasion of the rights reserved to the states or to the people, and is therefore null and void. Well they sure showed us that we were wrong — when we said that government was trending towards more and more unconstitutionality if not out-and-out criminality — by violating our constitutional rights to privacy and criminally trespassing on our private property, harassing, and assaulting us! How do I stop US census bureau harassment . U.S. Census Bureau One of your agents has now criminally trespassed — meaning she trespassed on land that was clearly marked with ‘no trespassing’ and ‘private property’ signs and then refused to leave when politely asked four times to leave and when informed that she was harassing us. I fear someone will have more than enough to steal my identity or this info will be sold to the highest bidder. There was also one woman who, when she discovered that she was on closed-circuit surveillance video (installed around my property after my city and neighborhood had a rise in home and property invasions) she became immediately frightened and shocked. Joseph on April 7, 2015 at 7:37 pm. Census Bureau” in the return address or “U.S. Harassment is a form of employment discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, (ADEA), … Letters are edited for length and clarity. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Burlington Indus., Inc. v. Ellerth, 524 U.S. 742, 759 (1998). This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned. [Other] Stop calling me – I don’t want to be in contact with you. (United States v. Sprague, U.S.N.J.1931282 U.S. 716; as well as U.S. v. Thibault, C.C.A.N.Y.1931, 47 F.2d 169). The look on her face was priceless. I am being harassed by a census worker for the past several months to complete the American Community Survey. Yeah sure, sit down, make yourself at home on my front porch right next to the sign that says ‘No Trespassing’! People who are selected are legally obligated to participate, just as everyone must comply with the decennial census, which is called for in the U.S. Constitution. Yes, that’s right. for any other reason than to count the number of your household, then they are violating the Constitution. If you want the government people to leave you alone you have to stop obeying them. Stop harassing me and anyone else that has completed multiple surveys. Commission, C.C.N.D.Cal.1887, 32 F. 241). U.S. Department of Commerce into my home. A coalition of cities, counties and civil rights groups sued the U.S. Census Bureau last year to stop it from ending the 2020 census early out of … Commission, 32 Fed. In this day and age, it is difficult to stop all contact with someone because of social media. Even once you’re done with your partner, be it through divorce or break-up, harassment sometimes doesn’t stop. Census Bureau Harassment Season 9 E 106 • 05/21/2013 Every few years, the Census Bureau shows up on people's front porches like a drunk ex-boyfriend, so Congressman Jeff Duncan attempts to stop it. I am comparing the stalking, surveiling, harassment, and coercion employed by U.S. Census workers to that done by the Nazi Gestapo. I guess it’s okay for rogue governmental representatives to violate their own laws; just not us, the lowly law-abiding. The Census Bureau told us that 97 percent of people fill out the survey. Last year my family and I were mercilessly pestered by U.S. Census takers who surveilled, stalked, and harassed my family and myself. In other words, the Constitution does not limit the means by which enumeration takes place, whether by mail or in person; this phrase is not a carte blanche, free-for-all for the Census Bureau to ask any questions it likes and employ coercion in order to gain compliance. White adults (79%) are more likely to say they have responded to the 2020 census than adults who are Hispanic (74%) or Black (66%). What lies have they been told that they believe give them “authority” to surveil, stalk, harass, and even assault perfectly law-abiding Americans in an attempt to coerce them into answering invasive personal questions that they have no business or constitutional authority to be asking? The first few requests were tolerable. Not only is their behavior grossly unAmerican, it is a bully tactic and one that conveys a threat to us and our unalienable 4th amendment right to privacy and the right to be secure in our real property, person, papers, and effects. Examples of Coworker Harassment Regarding the statutes passed by Congress found in Title 13 of the United States Code (USC) which includes § 5 (Questionnaires; number, form, and scope of inquiries); § 141 (Population and other census information), and § 221 (Penalties for noncompliance), it is clearly understood that these statutes go beyond the purview of the Constitution and are therefore unlawful. And as our Constitution’s very existence can attest to, just because there are representatives of the government refusing to leave your property does not mean they aren’t criminals and aren’t intent on hurting you.). CLICK HERE to learn how to protect yourself from fraudulent activity and scams. I'm currently being harassed by the US Census bureau. We made some calls, and the good news is this is the real Census Bureau. The bonus to you is that your cooperation should stop the Enumerators from being assigned to your house (Census follows homes, not individuals) and you will help provide funding (and we’re talking several thousands to millions) for you and your community. After putting up ‘No Trespassing’ signs in several places on our property, one audacious woman refused to leave when I told her several times that she was trespassing and ordered her to leave. … Supposedly I was selected at random, but this is not a census year. They insist I fill out a form. The paperwork he slides under my door says Title 13, United States Code, Section 182 gives him the authority. Within the context of the Constitution — the sole purpose of which is to limit the power of government — there is no way one could or should infer that “in such Manner as they shall by Law direct” means that the founders of our Constitution would have allowed the intrusive line of questioning found either within the “American Community Survey” (ACS) or the “National Health Interview Survey,” and they certainly wouldn’t have condoned the tactics employed by the Census Bureau to glean answers to the overly-personal line of questioning found within these surveys. Pursuant to Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution, the only information they were empowered to request was the total number of occupants at my address: “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers…The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.”. - Jerane McKinstry, Corpus Christi, Texas. NPR has confirmed the Census Bureau will end door knocking at unresponsive homes on Sept. 30 amid growing concerns the White House is pressuring the bureau to stop … It’s as if rogue government doesn’t like to be called out on its criminality or something. As such, one may only be lawfully fined if one refuses to disclose the number of persons residing in one’s household. A coalition of cities, counties and civil rights groups sued the U.S. Census Bureau last year to stop it from ending the 2020 census early out of … Online Harassment by an Ex. How to verify a mailing is from the Census Bureau: If you receive a survey or a letter in the mail from the Census Bureau, the envelope contains information that will help you verify its legitimacy. For example: “U.S. This is audio of a real phone call that transpired on October 6, 2014. The “Cease & Desist Letter”: A Proven Tool for Dealing With Intimidation and Harassment in the Workplace and Beyond. I only wish I had that footage but alas it was lost due to a technical glitch. Pursuant to Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution, the only information you are empowered to request is the total number of occupants at one’s address: Some have erroneously asserted that “in such Manner as they shall by Law direct” means that the Census Bureau may collect any information it so chooses by any means necessary and with any attending punishment they deem appropriate. Not sure if you may be the target of a scam? And although a federal judge recently ordered the bureau to temporarily stop following its plan to wind down operations early, a leaked internal Census Bureau document sent to … Ct. 524,―and it cannot be too often repeated,―that the principles that embody the essence of constitutional liberty and security forbid all invasions on the part of government and its employees of the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of his life. Indeed, beyond a head count, the information requested by the “American Community Survey” (ACS) or the “National Health Interview Survey” has absolutely nothing to do with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. (By the way we, along with other members of our community we’re told, filed police reports due to the Census Bureau’s repeated criminal harassment.). Department of Commerce” which is the Census Bureau’s parent agency. But that’s why the American Community Survey, or ACS, while sounding like such a benign thing, is really an unconstitutional invasion of your privacy and why those operatives tasked with coercing you into compliance to take it are no better than the Gestapo. As noted, we have no trust that your representatives aren’t intent on doing us harm when all of their behavior is threatening! Below is a copy of the letter I sent to the local branch of the U.S. Census Gestapo. He keeps banging. You need no more from us and so we must please ask that you stop harassing us, stop surveilling us, stop trespassing on our private property, and stop contacting us in any way. Postal Service, and in this case, my mailbox is flush with the front wall of my house, meaning she stuck her hand so far into my mailbox that she very well may have had a part of her body inside my home. Census Bureau Harassment Clip 5/21/2013 Every few years, the Census Bureau shows up on people's front porches like a drunk ex-boyfriend, so Congressman Jeff Duncan attempts to stop it. In addition, since the U.S. Supreme Court has determined (and Americans would agree) that “the principles that embody the essence of constitutional liberty and security forbid all invasions on the part of government and its employees of the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of his life” then your harassment, surveillance, trespassing, and stalking is that much more conspicuously immoral, unethical, unconstitutional, and criminal. Stop writing Covid-19 has boosted the campaign against exams in American ... How the 2020 census may help Republicans regain power in Washington. They threaten five years in jail for noncompliance. Dear Jerane: First off, we wanted to make sure you weren't being scammed by someone posing as the Census Bureau, because that has happened to other consumers. 1. Yes, that’s right. About 3.5 million people are randomly chosen for the survey each year. They claim answering the questions are optional, however they keep coming back again and again with multiple different agents. . If you continue to call me, I will contact the police. And no, I’m not using reductio ad absurdum or an absurd or outlandish metaphor so ridiculous it proves my point; I’m saying these unconstitutional Census takers are unto Nazis. Kashmir forest dwellers hope long-delayed law will stop evictions. Within the context of the Constitution — the sole purpose of which is to limit the power of government — there is no way one could or should infer that “in such Manner as they shall by Law direct” means that the founders of our Constitution would have allowed the intrusive line of questioning found either within the “American Community Survey” (ACS) or the “National Health Interview Survey,” and they certainly wouldn’t have condoned the tactics employed by the Census Bureau to glean answers to the overly-personal line of questioning found within these surveys. Use the links below to download the NoPitBullBans app, for BSL news on the go. This important Amendment was intended to confirm the understanding of the people at the time the Constitution was adopted, that powers not granted to the United States were reserved to the States or the people. “Right now the Census Bureau can ask citizens very invasive questions, and if they don’t respond, the government shows up at their door and threatens them with a fine. A Census Bureau worker would knock on John and Beverly Scott's door and ask them to fill out an American … If you don’t want to claim harassment directly, you should at least tell the person what they’re doing and the fact that you don’t want them to do it. Additionally, the Bill of Rights, Amendment X, ‘Reserved Power to States’ reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”. (And yes, I said assault, because assault is defined by the law as “The threat or use of force on another that causes that person to have a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact.”  When someone refuses to leave your property — property which they shouldn’t be on in the first place because there are ‘No Trespassing’ signs in multiple places — it must be concluded that such an individual is an immediate threat and is intent on doing you and yours harm because what kind of person refuses to leave your property? Harassment of the press Press freedom under pressure. One of their invasive surveys, i.e complying with one of their invasive surveys, i.e the 2020 Census help!, harassment sometimes doesn ’ t stop info can face five years in prison or 250,000! Good information about Crime in the Workplace and Beyond that 97 percent of people fill out the survey each.! Go to the FCC ’ s call blocking Resources its criminality or something the one home all day, mean. 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