The truth is, that’s all they’ll get out of it. 69. Folks brought to him all who were ill with various diseases and afflictions–the demonized, the lunatics, and the paralyzed–and he made them well. It’s nuts. 15. The ‘good dirt’ seed is the one who hears the idea and latches on to it, and it yields possibly a hundredfold, or sixty, or thirty.”, 24. Carlos – I don’t understand / No entiendo. The same will also be true of this wicked society.”, 46. 5. About that time Governor Herod heard the news of Jesus, and he said to his cronies, “I’ll bet it’s John the Baptizer. ‘Keep your eye peeled for fake preachers, who come to you with sheepskins from wolf-schools. Then John’s head was brought in on a platter and presented to the young lady, and she took it to her mama. 10. And, would you believe it, the whole herd stampeded down the bank and into the sea, and died in the water. 9. For fake messiahs and phony preachers will get up all over the place and put on big shows and crusades so as to bamboozle, if they can, even the true believers. Your top man shall be your houseboy. From then on, Jesus began spreading his ideas. I give you my word, some of those standing right here won’t die before they see the Leader heading his Movement.”. 23. Copperheads, sons of snakes, how can you escape hell’s damnation? Okay, so I’m driving out mean spirits with Dung-King’s help. He dismissed the crowds, got in a boat and went into the Magadan area. A mean and faithless generation asks a sign from me, and the only sign it will get is that of Jonah.” So he turned his back on them and left. You received this power as a gift, so share it as a gift. Jesus answered, “Let me tell you something: When the new order is ushered in and the son of man takes office, then you all who have shared my life will be appointed to the twelve posts of the cabinet and will be responsible for the functioning of the new government. He pled with them to please not make his whereabouts known. You’ll be able to distinguish them by the way they live. And after a forty-day fast he was plenty hungry. Besides, who of you, by fretting and fuming, can make himself one inch taller? Wherever there’s something dead, buzzards will be circling. “A student is not above his teacher, or an employee above his boss. 29. Come here; look at the place where he was lying, then go right away and tell his students that he has been raised from the dead. But John tried to put him off. "Cotton Patch Gospel was fun to work on and inspiring to watch. But the croppers took his workers and beat one of them, killed another, and stoned the other. Let whoever the shoe fits wear it.”. 4. For in shrinking, it will pull the old material and make a tear. Though I did keep wishing this was a movie like ‘O Brother Where Art Thou’. I hope you realize this. 1. I’m telling you a fact, you won’t get out of there until you have paid the last cent of your flue. 57. "Cotton Patch" Gospel is a colloquial translation of most of the New Testament by Southern Baptist minister Clarence Jordan. If the governor gets wind of this, we’ll fix it with him and arrange it so you won’t have a worry in the world.” The soldiers took the bribe and did exactly as they were instructed. I’m telling you that I am drinking no more of this ‘fruit of the vine’ until that day when I drink new wine with you in my Father’s Movement.”. It is impossible for a cultivated tree to bear wild fruit, or for a wild tree to bear cultivated fruit. His name will inspire hope in the black people.”), 22. “Listen to another Comparison, Once there was a farmer who set out a peach orchard, built a fence around it, bought some equipment, and put up a packing shed. For I truthfully tell you that as long as heaven and earth remain, not one dotting of an ’i’ or crossing of a ’t’ will be eliminated from our highest and noblest ideals until every one of them becomes a reality. Then the signal of the son of man will appear in the sky. 1. “No doubt about it,” they said, “this guy really was God’s Man.”. They are like kids playing in the streets and shouting at each other, ‘We put on some rock-and-roll, but you wouldn’t dance; so we put on some funeral music, but you wouldn’t go into mourning.’ For John offered a harsh, rugged life, and people say, ‘The guy is nuts.’ I, the son of man, offered laughter and joy, and people say, ‘Look at that guy. “It’s a ha’nt!” they screamed. Upon entering a house, introduce yourselves. As he came down from the hill, crowds of people flocked around him. “How do you see it? You phonies, Isaiah was surely talking about you when be said. 1. They came out of the graves, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into Atlanta, and made themselves known to many people. Then that same guy went out and found a man who owed him a hundred dollars. 34. Of course! The “sign,” which was intended to be a superficial kiss of greeting, turned into a tear-filled kiss of intense love. I assure you that before this generation is gone, things will be popping. Jump up and join it!’ So all the girls woke up and got their lanterns in order. You blind nitwits, which is more important, the gold or the sanctuary that houses the gold? Now when the captain and his buddies who were keeping an eye on Jesus saw the earthquake and the happenings, they were scared out of their wits. A young girl came up to him and said, “Say, you too were with Jesus the Georgian.” He flatly denied it right in front of everybody, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” When he went over to the gate, another girl saw him and said to the others standing there, “This fellow was with Jesus.” This time he flatly denied it in stronger terms, “I’ll be damned if I even know the guy.” A little later, some who were standing around turned to Rock and said, “It’s for sure that you are one of them, because your accent gives you away.” Well, at that Rock began to cut the blue and use some nautical language. You also say, ‘If somebody pledges by the altar table he may renege, but if be pledges by the offering on the altar table, he must pay.’ Moles, which is more important, the offering or the altar table on which it is laid? Key is an energetic and versatile performer who plays the narrator (Matthew) as well as many various roles. Any tree that does not produce cultivated fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. So they went inside the house and saw the baby with his mother, Mary. Then Jesus says to him, “Now look here, don’t tell anybody about this, but go let the doctor examine you and then you too start sharing like the Bible says, so as to be an example to others.’. The feminine cannot refer to Rock himself, but possibly to his “revelation” (feminine gender in the Greek) that Jesus is the Living God’s Man. They asked him to let them touch his shirt. At the same time Jesus said to the mob, “So you have come out here armed with guns and clubs to take me as though I were a seditionist? She was thinking, “If only I touch his pants leg, I’ll be healed.” Jesus turned around and saw her, and said, “Cheer up, my daughter. At that, the governor had a duck fit, and ordered the names of the scoundrels to be struck from the list of his friends. The truth is, such praise is all they’ll get out of it. I want to tell you, many people will come from both North and South and sit down at the table with Peter, John, and Paul in the God Movement, but the ‘saved’ people will be dumped out into the black night, where there’ll be a moaning and a groaning and a wringing of hands.” So Jesus said to the captain, “You may go now. When he went ashore and saw what a crowd it was, he was deeply moved by them, and he healed their sick ones. “Right then and there, they’d realized what they’d done and felt starkers [naked]”. But if your eyes are not in focus,3 then your whole body will be in confused darkness. But when the church officers tried to hang something on him, he made no defense. Then he rented it to some sharecroppers and left. Be cheerful and good-humored, because your spiritual advantage is great. “The Leader and his spiritual band will shortly come, with the full backing of his Father, and then he will assign every man on the basis of his activity. And he traveled throughout Georgia, teaching in their churches and spreading the good news of the new order, and healing every sickness and disease that people had. "Cotton Patch Gospel is special. SONG TIME Something Brewing In Gainesville. “Be courteous at all times towards an opponent. Trying to hang something on Jesus, they asked, “Is it legal to heal on a Sunday?” He said to them, “Is there a single man among you who, if he should own a sheep and it should fall in a hole on a Sunday, would not get hold of it and pull it out? Some Protestants and Catholics got together to test him, and they asked him to show them his spiritual credentials. Jesus asked them, “Haven’t you ever read in the Bible: ‘The stone which the craftsmen rejected was selected as the cornerstone. They all cut at that house, but it didn’t fall. If anyone at that time tells you, ‘Here are the Christians over here,’ or ‘Here we are right here,’ pay them no attention. “When a filthy spirit comes out of a man, he wanders through unwatered areas looking for a home. There is nothing under cover that won’t be uncovered, or secret that won’t be made public. If he sees your point, you’ve won your brother. 1. They conferred with one another, saying, “If we tell him ‘divine,’ then he’ll ask us, ‘So why didn’t you accept it?’ If we say ‘human,’ we’re scared of John’s crowd, because they all regard him as a man of God.” So they told Jesus, “We really don’t know. 23. “Now consider this Comparison with a peach tree: When its buds swell and it puts out leaves, you know that summer is on its way. As he did so, some of the seeds fell on the path, and the birds came along and gobbled them up. Now when Jesus was immersed and just as he came up from the water, the sky was split and he saw God’s Spirit settling on him like a dove alightning. Seven times?”. How much longer must I go to bat for you? Bible is nothing to mess with man! Everybody ate and had plenty, and they had seven baskets full of leftovers. “Why am I still flunking?”, “If you want to be a mature man,” Jesus said, “go, sell your stuff, give it to the poor-you will be spiritually rich-and then come share my life.” When the young fellow heard that bit, he walked away crying, because he had quite a pile. They beat him up real good, and took him over and turned him in to Governor Pilate. 50. Then it dawned on Herod that he had been duped by the learned men, an he really blew his top. And he did name it Jesus. “And I’m telling you the honest truth,” Jesus said, “that the hippies and the whores are taking the lead over you into the God Movement. Others fell on rocky places where the soil was shallow. It would have been better for him if he had never been horn.” Then Judas, who actually did turn him in, asked, “You’re not talking about me, are you, Doctor?” Jesus said to him, “You’re right.”, 26. Finally the woman died. “Not everyone who glibly calls me ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the God Movement, hut he who does the will of my spiritual Father. Now if your life is so divided, you’re really in the dark! So she got up and started waiting on him. And don’t think that you can feed yourselves that ‘we-good-white-people’ stuff, because I’m tell you that if God wants to he can make white folks out of this pile of rocks. He is the Leader of the Faithful; let him break loose from the cross now and we will be his faithful ones. “The one who accepts you all accepts me, and the one who accepts me accepts him who sent me. Blind ecclesiastic, first clean up the inside of the house, that the outside too might be neat. The guards were so shook up that they looked like corpses. by Clarence Jordan, of Koinonia Ministries, The Cotton Patch Gospel recasts the stories of Jesus and the letters of Paul and Peter into the language and culture of the mid-20th century United States South. Book by Tom Key & Russell Treyz Music and lyrics by Harry Chapin. For it is better to be alive, maimed or crippled, than to have both hands or both feet and be thrown into the bag of destruction. Be two people-they are one essentially a one man show with a paralyzed man let! For their lanterns, if you don ’ t know the man he. Same plate I did keep wishing this was a movie like ‘ O brother where Art ’. And reverent humor added students went with him, then they spit in his life video recording of man! Over his head they put a copy of the son of man will be up... Message into the house, that the roots of poverty were spiritual as well economic. 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