This section provides the details on how the questions on national identity, ethnic group, religion and language continued to evolve following the publication of the 2021 Census White Paper as a result of respondent feedback from the 2019 Rehearsal. This set out our updated view on the topics to be included in Census 2021, including: The 2021 Census topic consultation revealed a clear requirement for information on the topics of national identity, ethnic group, religion and language for service provision and to meet duties under the Equality Act 2010. The write-in response option has search-as-you-type functionality; a list of suggested countries will appear once the respondent starts to type a response. Guidance text and instructions are not part of the legislation, but we consider these to be finalised as well. Feedback from the 2019 Rehearsal (2019:15) showed that some respondents found this question difficult to answer, and use of the “Previous” button on the questionnaire was high. A question that has been assessed as having a "High" potential for impact is closer to the threshold for exclusion from the census than a topic that has been assessed as having a "Low" potential for impact. When responding, you were asked to record the race of each person living in your home on April 1, 2020. The number of respondents who intend to stay for less than 12 months is relatively small. We also looked at the average length of write-in response to the 2011 Census online question and it was longer than the 17 characters provided by a single line on the paper questionnaire write-in response. The question stem for the second question is âWhat religion, religious denomination or body were you brought up in?â. These write-in screens are still under development and so are not shown in this report. A full description of each of these items can be found in summary of testing for Census 2021. Year references the calendar year the test was undertaken in. The United States Census first asked about citizenship in 1820, with a question about âforeigners not naturalizedâ. On the electronic questionnaire, this is controlled using radio buttons, rather than tick-boxes. This would provide suggested responses as respondents typed in their answer. There was a better alternative: using existing administrative records to get citizenship data. The Assurance Group decided to keep this for Census 2021 to be consistent with the other response options that include "Cyfeiriad". The UX testing programme will continue through 2020. The exact wording of the address look-up will be finalised as part of this work. We conducted cognitive testing (2017:21) to establish the feasibility of asking the 2011 Census question for Wales on the questionnaire for England. If they select “Outside the UK”, they will be presented with a second-stage question where they can write-in their country. This question collects information that cannot be directly observed, which can cause data quality issues when answering on behalf of another person. UX testing included various iterations of the questions described elsewhere in this report. 0. We commissioned an external research agency to conduct cognitive interviews (2017:16) with participants from a range of ethnic groups to assess if it was appropriate to use slashes for Census 2021. We are developing search-as-you-type technology for the electronic questionnaire. The starting point for the testing on the questions on second address and migration was the 2011 Census question designs, as shown in 2011 Census Household Questionnaire (PDF 1.8 MB). Following this testing, we have recommended an improved version of variant 4, by adding the âRomaâ tick-box within the âWhiteâ category, and including âRomaâ in the list of examples on the first stage of the electronic questionnaire, removing âRomany Gypsyâ. We commissioned an external research agency to conduct cognitive interviews (2017:14) with Welsh speakers to evaluate a question with âEnglishâ and âWelshâ as separate response options. The U.S. Census Bureau is suspending efforts to create neighborhood-level statistics on the citizenship and age of residents, using 2020 census data, in the latest rollback of Trump administration census-related initiatives that critics feared would be used to favor Republicans and whites during the drawing of state and local districts. What is your religion? This question is only presented to respondents who have been in the UK for less than 12 months. This could lead to requests for individual forms, which come with additional postage and processing costs for the census. As in previous censuses, there will be separate censuses in Scotland and Northern Ireland. (A ⦠Over 24% of participants ticked the new "Partner's address" response option. If you were not born in the United Kingdom, when did you most recently arrive to live here? The 1950 census was the last to include a question about citizenship for residents nationwide, but questionnaires in some areas of the US posed related questions up until 2000. Before the Census Rehearsal in October 2019, 458 interviews had been conducted at 99 events. Based on the findings from the evaluation and testing, we have recommended that the national identity response options remain the same as in the 2011 Census. UX testing focuses on understanding user behaviours as people interact with online services. This change has also been made on the paper questionnaires. Only respondents in Wales will be asked the Welsh language skills question. The instruction âThis relates to where you feel you belong, such as the country or countries you think of as home. This report provides links to previously published research and the findings of additional testing that led to the final recommended questions for Census 2021 in England and Wales. In the 2011 Census, two response options were used to count the short-term migrant population: “Less than 6 months” and “6 months or more but less than 12 months”. On the questionnaire in England, “England” will appear first. We commissioned a small-scale quantitative survey (2018:44) to test the new question designs with participants who either live at a second address or have a household member who lives at a second address. Online, there is mutually exclusive functionality where respondents can select their skill levels, or select none of these apply. Therefore, we have shortened the question to read: “When did you most recently arrive to live in the United Kingdom?”. The UX testing programme will continue through 2020. The question stem for the first question is âWhat religion, religious denomination or body do you belong to?â. However, feedback following the 2019 Rehearsal (2019:15) showed that some respondents asked if they could include expired passports. Three versions of the question were tested (2016:7) with participants from different ethnic groups. The questions were tested with people across Wales with varying dialects and Welsh language proficiencies. The national identity question is subjective, it collects information that cannot be directly observed, and contains a write-in field, which can increase respondent burden. A screenshot of the final question and include panel is shown in Section 5: Questions recommended for Census 2021. A question on religion was first asked in the 2001 Census. The topic of citizenship includes the passports held question. The question - "Is this person a citizen of the United States?" ", 95% of those who did found the guidance somewhat or very useful. On the electronic questionnaire, this question will only be seen by respondents who answer “Republic of Ireland” or “Elsewhere” on the country of birth question. "Year" refers to the calendar year the test was undertaken in and the test number is the position of the test within the year considering all testing that took place in that year. On the paper questionnaire, the first response option is "The address on the front of this questionnaire". On the topics of second address, migration and citizenship, there are several differences in the questions asked on Census 2021 in Scotland and Northern Ireland: in Scotland and Northern Ireland, the questions on second address and second address type will not be asked, in Northern Ireland only, the question on date of arrival will be asked to all respondents from outside of Northern Ireland, rather than outside of the UK, in Scotland and Northern Ireland, the question on intended length of stay in the UK will not be asked. References to tests are provided in the form (Year: Test number). These changes were quality assured by the Welsh Language Census Question Assurance Group. We decided to continue developing the question using this approach, and to investigate how to make the difference between the two questions clearer. The United States Supreme Court appears poised to allow the Trump administration to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census, a question that ⦠This design performed better than the one-stage design, but participants felt they were being asked the same question twice. This question does not appear on the paper questionnaire except as a routing instruction (for example, “If you arrived before 21 March 2020, go to 13”). We received a request to add âCornishâ to the national identity question for Census 2021. When we reviewed the responses to the 2011 Census, we found that respondents who identified as Mixed ethnicity were more likely to respond across multiple categories and tick-boxes. The national identity question in Northern Ireland lists the same response options as in England and Wales, with the addition of a response for âIrishâ, which does not appear on the questionnaire in England and Wales. In the 2011 Census, the response options to the religion question were affiliate oriented, for example âChristianâ and âMuslimâ, rather than âChristianityâ and âIslamâ. We tested the re-designed questions in qualitative testing (2020:1) across locations in England and Wales. This set out our updated view on the topics to be included in Census 2021, including: This response included a commitment to continue to collect information on migration (including long-term, short-term and internal migration) and citizenship. Schoolchildren at boarding school and students who stay at their term-time address for three nights or fewer per week (in general) should be counted as usually resident at their permanent or family address. Do you stay at another address for more than 30 days a year? The question stems on the paper and electronic questionnaire differ slightly. While this approach increases the total number of questions all respondents must answer. People are to be asked questions about their citizenship, national identity and mastery of English for the first time as part of the national census. All write-in responses require additional processing, which adds cost to the census. The response options are listed in two columns on the paper questionnaire in Scotland, while they appear in one column in England and Wales. The national identity question has been assessed as having a âlowâ potential for impact on public acceptability and financial concerns. Quantitative: 208,000 households in seven local authority areas took part in the 2017 Test. Qualitative: Seven focus groups with 21 participants from Roma support and community organisations. We tested (2019:6) a four-stage question design for the electronic questionnaire. Also, on the electronic questionnaire the respondents are asked a separate question (“Did you arrive in the UK on or after 21 March 2020?”) to enable routing to the next question on intended length of stay. Details of the differences between the questionnaires for England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland can be found in Annex 4. We have presented the evidence used to assess questions as having a “Medium” or “High” potential for impact on the evaluation criteria in Annex 3. Testing included participants from a wide range of backgrounds, purposely chosen to allow the research aims to be met. The first line of the respondent’s main address will be piped into the first response option. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) will engage with minority groups who have requested response options on the census to improve the data quality through the open write-in responses, and work with census data users to produce analytical products following the census that will meet their data needs. This question has instructions, in an include panel, helping respondents to answer this question on the electronic questionnaire. One was positioned after the questions on national identity and ethnicity, and the other was positioned before the questions on national identity and ethnicity. They transferred to the ACS in 2005 when it replaced the decennial census long form. Participants did not click on the guidance accordion to read it when it was not immediately visible but did find the instruction helpful when it was visible. Sanders said that in 2010 the citizenship question was removed. On the electronic questionnaire, if respondents choose the response option “Elsewhere” then they will enter the country on a separate screen. It's not dependent on your ethnic group or citizenship. The religion question in the paper questionniare differs to the electronic questionnare design. These changes were quality assured by the Welsh Language Census Question Assurance Group (the Assurance Group). We have published an information paper that provides the details of how the prioritisation tool was used to make these decisions: [LINK: Deciding whether to add tick-boxes to the Census 2021 ethnic group question in England and Wales]. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve our services. Details of how we researched, developed and tested the Census 2021 questions on national identity, ethnic group, language and religion. [ ] Armed forces base address [ ] Another address when working away from home [ ] Student's home address [ ] Student's term time address [ ] Another parent or guardian's address [ ] Holiday home [ ] Other. These are presented on a separate page to the main question and are still under development. As in previous censuses, there will be separate censuses in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Trump Administration began this process in 2017 with the logical first stepâconsidering and then ordering the restoration of a citizenship question to the census. You can find out more about these definitions in Output and enumeration bases: residential address and population definitions for Census 2021. The questions and response options for Census 2021 have now been finalised through the census secondary legislation: the Census (England and Wales) Order 2020, and Census Regulations for England and for Wales. Qualitative: 15 paired cognitive interviews and five cognitive individual interviews. About the census. The intention to stay in the UK question is only asked to respondents who arrived in the UK in the year prior to the census date. On the electronic questionnaire, the ethnic group question is presented as a multi-stage question. Participants found the amount of scrolling needed to view all of the response options frustrating. The ethnic group question has been assessed as having a âhighâ potential for impact on data quality. A true census, where the bureau must rely on the self-response, will likely have even greater difficulty getting the response rate it’s looking for from some groups. Executive summary. The questions on second address, migration and citizenship were developed for use in the context of Census 2021 in England and Wales, a mandatory household form. However, because of space constraints this is not present on the paper questionnaire. Why adding a citizenship question to the census launched a political firestorm. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) will continue to develop the functionality for the electronic questionnaire, including search-as-you-type functionality for the national identity, ethnic group, religion and main language open write-in responses. Current ongoing work around this topic focuses on finalising the search-as-you-type functionality used on the majority of these questions. The questions for England and Wales have been developed through close collaboration with National Records of Scotland (NRS) and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), which are responsible for conducting the censuses in Scotland and Northern Ireland. UX research has taken place on a rolling basis since 2017. This question was only asked on the 2011 Census questionnaire in Wales. The question is ⦠Qualitative: 30 user experience (UX) tests and cognitive interviews. Following this, we began a comprehensive programme of research and development. Courts have permanently blocked the Trump administration from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census. The address entry form and “country” write-in response appear on separate screens to the initial question. Respondents aged under three years old do not have to answer any of the language questions. The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday blocked adding a citizenship question on the 2020 census, instructing the U.S. Department of Commerce to … The questions used to collect data on the topics of second address, migration and citizenship are: full-time education and term-time address, country of birth, date of arrival in the UK and intended length of stay in the UK. Following the topic consultation, the ONS worked with stakeholder groups to understand the need for additional response options for the main language question. Quantitative: 10,052 responses to a large-scale multimodal household survey. In the 2019 Rehearsal (2019:15), over 7% of respondents did not answer this question. In our response to the 2021 Census topic consultation, we made clear commitments to the public. On the paper questionnaire, it is possible to select two or more mutually exclusive options, while the electronic questionnaire only allows for one option to be selected. Work on this functionality is ongoing. When entering a UK address on the electronic questionnaire, respondents will be able to use standard postcode look-up functionality to enter addresses using the postcode and street address. The findings from this research recommended that the âRomaâ tick-box was placed under the âWhiteâ category, where it was more visible for respondents with low literacy levels, and close to the âGypsy and Irish Travellerâ response. Respondents must answer this question so that they can be correctly routed to the next question. We tested (2017:17) the use of non-gendered terms (for example âCymreigâ) in focus groups. Participants who were sure of their own ethnic group liked the open write-in response and considered the search-as-you-type functionality to be helpful on both designs. This question worked well in the 2011 Census; however, we needed to review the response options to ensure they were still appropriate in 2021, and we also needed to ensure that the question worked well on the electronic questionnaire. In addition to having a high level of non-response, we also received some negative feedback around acceptability in the 2019 Rehearsal (2019:15) for the ethnic group question because of the topicâs subjectivity and sensitivity. This is burdensome for respondents to read, particularly those who need to read the whole list to find the most appropriate response. Qualitative: 16 cognitive one-to-one interviews and four paired in-depth interviews with participants who could speak, read and write Welsh. The evidence base for the finalisation of the questions for Census 2021 is discussed in Section 4: Research that led to the recommended Census 2021 question designs. The second address question has been assessed as having “Low” potential for impact on public acceptability and financial concerns. The second stage is under development, and as such is not presented in this report. The evidence base for other changes is discussed in the section Research that led to the recommended Census 2021 question design. The ethnic group question in Scotland follows a similar design to the question in England and Wales, but with six high-level ethnic group categories and different response options: The ethnic group question in Northern Ireland does not have high-level ethnic group categories. On the paper questionnaire, the open write-in response appears beneath the âAny other religionâ tick-box. Tick all that apply [ ] English [ ] Welsh [ ] Scottish [ ] Northern Irish [ ] British [ ] Other, write in (Write in national identity) On the Welsh questionnaire, the response option âWelshâ came before âEnglishâ. Table 2 provides the updated evaluation scores for the questions on national identity, ethnic group, religion and language. As in the 2011 Census testing, participants preferred the grammatically incorrect version, as it reflects how people self-identify. This question requires respondents to recall a date in the past, which can cause data quality issues. The English language skills question features a bank of 16 tick-boxes in four columns and four rows. For the electronic questionnaire, we changed the question stem on the country variation of the second address type to avoid mutations in Welsh. We conducted testing (2018:44) on the question “During term time, where do you usually live?” to understand how respondents interpreted the phrase “usually live”. E Other ethnic group [ ] Arab [ ] Any other ethnic group, write in (Write in ethnic group) On the Welsh questionnaire, Welsh was shown before English under Section A. The third stage presents an open write-in box with search-as-you-type functionality. However, where relevant, we have provided additional guidance, updated question designs and implemented automatic routing to improve accessibility and reduce respondent burden. This outlined the Office for National Statistics's (ONS's) recommendation to collect information on the topics of second address, migration (including short-term, long-term and internal migration) and citizenship. The Census Bureau had included a citizenship question until 1950 when it was removed, though it continued to include a question asking about place of birth. These data are used for service planning and meeting duties under the Equality Act 2010. We have reviewed and tested each question online and have recommended additional design and functionality amendments specific to the electronic questionnaire. Therefore, we have recommended that the Welsh language skills question will continue to be asked in Wales only. The census aims to profile the countryâs residents and collects data on demographics, income, housing, education and other social factors. Respondents can click the accordion text âWhat do we mean by âmain languageâ?â to open a definition of âmain languageâ. We conducted cognitive interviews (2018:38) with participants who could speak, read and write in Welsh to assess the understanding of this question, including the proposed response option of "Partner's address", in Welsh. In Census 2021, people of all religions, for example Jains, will be able to identify their religious affiliation using the write-in response. We evaluated each request as described below. From 1890 to 1950, every census inquired about citizenship, while long-form census questionnaires (which were sent to selected households) during the years 1970 – 2000 did as well. A full description of each of these items can be found in Summary of testing for Census 2021. This question allows you to record an identity that isn't listed, if you want to." If a respondent selects “Student term-time or boarding school address in the UK” or “Another address in the UK”, they will be presented with the second-stage question, with address lookup functionality, where they can enter their address details. By. The question designs put forward in this report are based on extensive research and assessment using evaluation criteria that were set out in the publication The 2021 Census – Assessment of initial user requirements on content for England and Wales: Response to consultation (PDF, 796KB). We published the summary of responses in March 2019. [ ] English [ ] Other, write in (including British Sign Language) (Write in main language). In the 2017 Census Test (2017:7), we added an open write-in text box alongside the "Other" response. These questions cannot be shown together on the same screen page as it makes them inaccessible for screen readers and other assistive technologies. All participants are purposively selected to include a wide range of ages and digital abilities. In a cognitive test (2018:29), some participants hesitated to work out if they had been away from home for 30 days. We proposed to stakeholders that we replace the two response options with a single response option: “Less than 12 months”. Recommended questions to use when collecting data on ethnic group, national identity, religion and language in social surveys can be found in the current harmonised principle. Testing showed that including mutually exclusive functionality had no impact on data quality. Questions collecting data on term-time address were first included in the 1991 Census. We have recommended that the technology is used for the following second address and migration questions in Census 2021: term-time address (when "another address" and no second address has been provided), usual address one year ago (when in the UK). [ ] England [ ] Wales [ ] Scotland [ ] Northern Ireland [ ] Republic of Ireland [ ] Elsewhere, write in the current name of country (Write in country). Before the Census Rehearsal in October 2019, 458 interviews have been conducted at 99 events. As set out in the White Paper Help Shape our Future: The 2021 Census of Population and Housing in England and Wales (PDF, 967KB), with further details provided in the December 2017 and December 2018 census topic research updates, we reviewed the response options for these questions and concluded that we should: We also committed to using a search-as-you-type functionality in the electronic questionnaire to make it easier for respondents to self-identify their ethnic group, national identity and religion as they wish. We commissioned focus group research (2018:17) to: The focus groups were sampled according to self-identified ethnic group, and included participants who identified as "Black, Black British, African or Caribbeanâ, âWhiteâ or âMixed or multiple ethnic groupâ. The functionality will also help to reduce input errors, which will reduce the processing required. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, /census/censustransformationprogramme/questiondevelopment/nationalidentityethnicgrouplanguageandreligionquestiondevelopmentforcensus2021, Figure 1: Online national identity question in English and Welsh, Figure 2: Online ethnic group question in English and Welsh, Figure 3: Online White ethnic group or background question in English and Welsh, Figure 4: Online Mixed or Multiple ethnic group or background question in English and Welsh, Figure 5: Online Asian or Asian British ethnic group or background question in English and Welsh, Figure 6: Online Black, Black British, Caribbean or African ethnic group or background question in English and Welsh, Figure 7: Online other ethnic group or background question in English and Welsh, Figure 8: Online question on religion in English and Welsh, Figure 9: Online Welsh language skills question in Wales, in English and Welsh, Figure 10: Online main language question in English and Welsh, Figure 11: Online English proficiency question in English and Welsh, Table 1: Evaluation of national identity, ethnic group, religion and language topics, May 2016, Table 2: Evaluation of Census 2021 questions on national identity, ethnic group, religion and language, October 2019, Table 3: Summary of testing for the national identity, ethnic group, religion and language topics, 2016 to 2020, Research that led to the 2018 White Paper recommendations, Research that led to the recommended Census 2021 question designs, Annex 1: Census commitments made on the topics of national identity, ethnic group, religion and language, Annex 2: Summary of research undertaken for the topics of national identity, ethnic group, religion and language, 2016 to 2020, Help Shape our Future: The 2021 Census of Population and Housing in England and Wales (PDF, 967KB), response to the 2021 Census topic consultation, Ethnicity and national identity (PDF, 850.5KB), question and questionnaire development overview for Census 2021, The ethnic group prioritisation tool: 2021 Census in England and Wales (PDF, 220KB), The ethnic group tick-box prioritisation: Census 2021 in England and Wales, 2011 Census Household Questionnaire (PDF, 1.8 MB), Welsh Language Standards (No.1) Regulations 2015, Government Statistical Service recommended requirement, The 2021 Census â Assessment of initial user requirements on content for England and Wales: Response to consultation (PDF, 796KB), Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), ethnic group stakeholder follow-up survey, The ethnic group prioritisation tool: 2021 Census in England and Wales (PDF, 198KB), December 2018 census topic research update. 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