We understand the loss many of Rabuka's supporters feel in Fiji and abroad but he got those votes in 2018 because of the d'Hondt Electoral System. He was elected to this position on 24 May 2001 and re-elected for another three-year term on 13 April 2005. Rabuka was trained initially in New Zealand army schools, from which he graduated in 1973, and later did postgraduate work at the Indian Defence Services Staff College in 1979, and at the Australian Joint Services Staff College in 1982. The son of Kolinio Epeli Vanuacicila Rabuka and Salote Lomaloma Rabuka, he comes from the village of Drekeniwai on Vanua Levu, one of Fiji's two major islands. For the coup leader he was protecting an elected government from the wrath of the indigenous nationalist Taukei Movement, which organized noisy demonstrations in April 1987. 1987 Coup - Apr. The 1987 Fiji military coups leader Sitiveni Rabuka as he was back then First published October 3, 2018: A repentant Sitiveni Rabuka, the Fiji military strongman who sparked off the country’s “coup culture” in 1987, admits he was “coerced” by the defeated Alliance party into carrying out the nation’s first coup. Le SVT en sort à nouveau vainqueur, et Rabuka demeure premier ministre, mais avec une majorité affaiblie. Il remporte les élections législatives de 1992 et devient Premier ministre, mais en 1994 la défection de plusieurs de ses députés entraîne une nouvelle élection. Rabuka, lui, garde le contrôle de l'armée et se fait nommer ministre de l'Intérieur. National constituencies, ethnically allocated and elected by universal suffrage, were to be abolished, and all voting was to be communal. Il était le seul membre à vie du Grand Conseil des Chefs (malgré le fait qu'il est roturier) jusqu'à sa dissolution en 2012. [1] The Fijian general election of April 1987 resulted in the replacement of the indigenous-led conservative government of Prime Minister Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara with a multi-ethnic Labour-led coalition supported mostly by the Indo-Fijian plurality and Rabuka claimed ethnic Fijian concerns of racial discrimination as his excuse for seizing power. Il est par la suite Premier ministre de 1992 à 1999. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) The coups triggered much emigration by Indo-Fijians (particularly skilled workers),[13] making them a minority by 1994. At around 11 am, Radio Fiji announced the news of the military takeover. [9] Rabuka then declared Fiji a republic on 7 October 1987, abrogating the Constitution of Fiji and stating that he had removed the Governor-General from office,[9] and declaring himself Head of the Interim Military Government. He went on to serve as Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs, and later served as Chairman of the Cakaudrove Provincial Council from 2001 to 2008. Le 24 juin 2016, le Parti libéral social-démocrate (ou « Sodelpa », conservateur), principal parti d'opposition au Parlement, choisit Sitiveni Rabuka comme nouveau chef du parti, après la démission de Ro Teimumu Kepa. Il abroge la Constitution, puis remet le pouvoir au gouverneur général Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau, un chef de haut rang. They did, however, establish a policy of non-recognition regarding the new government, suspending foreign aid in concert with the United States and the United Kingdom. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Sitiveni Rabuka de la plus haute qualité. As Australia was Fiji's largest foreign trading partner, this resulted in a large diminution in Fiji's international trade. Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the first ever coup that took place in Fiji. De 1983 à 1985, il commande les forces armées fidjiennes qui participent aux opérations de maintien de la paix au Sinaï. Fearing that the gains of the first coup were about to be lost, Rabuka staged a second coup on 25 September. Les Indo-Fidjiens se voient privés de toute possibilité d'obtenir une majorité de sièges au Parlement, et se voient interdire l'accès aux fonctions de premier ministre et de président. The Commonwealth responded with Fiji's immediate expulsion from the association. Afficher les traductions générées par algorithme . The past I can’t change but the future I can and I will! On the morning of 14 May, around 10 am, a section of ten masked, armed soldiers entered the Fijian House of Representatives and subdued the national legislature, which had gathered there for its morning session. Viliame Gavoka estime que le parti s'est fracturé en factions sous la direction de Rabuka, et qu'il convient de le rassembler[9]. Coup One. The Fijian Supreme Court ruled the coup to be totally unconstitutional, and the Governor-General attempted to assert executive reserve power. De 1980 à 1981, il participe à la FINUL. Cette dernière exprime son désaccord avec ce choix, tandis que plusieurs cadres du Sodelpa démissionnent pour protester contre Rabuka[4]. Newly appointed SODELPA Leader Sitiveni Rabuka. Il mène le parti aux élections législatives de novembre 2018. May 14th, 1987 the day that the then Military commander Sitiveni Rabuka, overthrew the late Timoci Bavadra’s government, citing at the time that it was to curb the potential threat from the … Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau resigned as Governor-General on 15 October,[10] although he was made the first President of Fiji on 6 December 1987.[10]. Lorsqu'il mène un coup d'État le 14 mai pour renverser le gouvernement démocratiquement élu du Premier ministre Timoci Bavadra, il surgit soudain sur le devant de la scène. Rabuka prend la tête d'un nouveau parti, le Soqosoqo ni Vakavulewa ni Taukei (SVT, ou « Parti politique fidjien »). In a biography published this week, Mr. Rabuka claimed that he … Cette alliance informelle, et inattendue au vu des positions adoptées jusque-là par Rabuka, marque une évolution dans son positionnement politique. selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. En 1987, Rabuka a le grade de colonel, mais n'a jamais été un homme politique. Rabuka le presse de mener une politique favorable aux intérêts indigènes. The Prime Minister's post was to be reserved for an indigenous Fijian. Les coups d'État de 1987 marquèrent un tournant dans l'histoire du pays. En 1987, le colonel Sitiveni Rabuka mène le premier coup d'État que connaît le pays, renversant le gouvernement démocratiquement élu de Timoci Bavadra qu'il accuse de comprendre trop de ministres d'ascendance indienne. En 1987, Rabuka a le grade de colonel, mais n'a jamais été un homme politique. The 1987 events (with their racial overtones) in the island-nation of Fiji, once the model state of regional stability, was the first coup ever in the South Pacific. These negotiations culminated in the Deuba Accord of 23 September 1987, which provided for a government of national unity, in which both parties would be represented under the leadership of the Governor-General. Le général Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka (né le 13 septembre 1948) est un homme politique fidjien, célèbre pour avoir mené deux coups d'État en 1987. In the immediate aftermath of the second coup, the United Nations denounced the coup, demanding that the former government be restored. SUVA, Fiji Islands (March 16, 2000 – Radio Australia)---The leader of the 1987 Fiji coup, Major General Sitiveni Rabuka, is adamant that he forewarned the then prime minister and current president, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, of an impending coup. The meeting ended with Ratu Sir Penaia stating "Good luck, I hope you know what you are doing."[4]. "[5] The Commission received 860 written and 120 oral submissions, and produced a report recommending a new unicameral legislature comprising 36 Fijians (28 elected and 8 appointed by the Great Council of Chiefs), 22 Indo-Fijians, 8 General electors, 1 Rotuman, and up to four nominees of the Prime Minister. Sitiveni Rabuka, former Prime Minister and leader of the 1987 coup, salutes as he departs the Centra Hotel in Suva on his way to meet with the... Fiji Unrest. “What you saw of Rabuka in 1987 is totally different of Rabuka post 1997.” @HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource. The SODELPA leader, who executed the 1987 coup, said the person he was today was a far cry from the man who overthrew the democratically elected Timoci Bavadra government. Il est évincé de la direction du parti en novembre 2020 ; dans la foulée, il démissionne du Parlement et du parti. One of … He had switched sides from the victorious Coalition Party to join the Interim Government set up by the 1987 coup leader, Sitiveni Rabuka. Its terms of reference were to "strengthen the representation of indigenous Fijians, and in so doing bear in mind the best interests of other peoples in Fiji. The Australian labour movement, taking the ousting of a Labor Party-led government as an affront to the worldwide labour movement, instituted an embargo against shipments to Fiji. Sous sa direction, le Sodelpa progresse, obtenant 39,9 % des voix et vingt-et-un sièges sur cinquante-et-un, demeurant le principal parti d'opposition[6]. He was later democratically elected as Prime Minister of Fiji, serving from 1992 to 1999. The target in the explosions was Ratu Filimone Rolagaivau. Former Fiji prime minister and two-time coup leader Sitiveni Rabuka. Les députés du Sodelpa élisent par ailleurs Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu comme chef de l'opposition parlementaire, dissociant ainsi ce poste de celui de chef du parti[10]. 2008 : Manager de l'équipe de rugby des Îliens du Pacifique, équipe des Îliens du Pacifique de rugby à XV, "Pacific Islanders looking for a revolution as they prepare to tour Europe", "Sitiveni Rabuka wins leadership of Fiji's SODELPA", "Rabuka presents traditional apology, asks for support", "FEO concludes results entry, FijiFirst to remain in power", "Opposition releases shadow cabinet portfolios", "Fiji's main opposition party chooses a new leader", "High chief elected Fiji's new Opposition Leader", "Fiji's opposition leader Sitiveni Rabuka resigns as member of Parliament", https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sitiveni_Rabuka&oldid=179115492, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Politique, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. 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