We can learn a lot from nature – and animals too. Do not focus on what you have lost. Sigh…. He will help you too. You don’t laugh anymore. I see life happening around me, but I can’t tell if it is really happening. Whose leaf also shall not wither; I know God is always by my side, but I so long for someone to take me by the hand, someone to walk beside me. Especially when I’d wake up at around 3 am and realize how calm and sad my world was. God knows we’ll get tired and weary and faint, but He won’t. I am so lucky, but I am also so fucking tired of struggling. Bur pretending is killing me. Whatever the problems you are going through right now please do not spend your time alone. It wasn’t always easy but I found my way through the clutter and distractions to find an authentic life of faith. I went through many months of pain. The following spring, however, she bloomed with all the glory of a rose bush that seemingly had faced no adversity. Though I am tired, I know You are not tired of loving me. You alone can give me peace. Please help me. (Prov. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ. And then to smile on the schemes of wicked people? It took courage, vision, and some strategic planning. Meditate on these scriptures and speak them out … Bur pretending is killing me. Great writing. Apparently there is a possibility there is none, at least not dwelling in the building. What sort of help and resources do you need to reach your goals if you don’t mind sharing? God’s promise to bring the Israelites out of bondage to rest, to his command that even the land should be allowed to rest (Leviticus 25:4). The disciples were credulous that Jesus did not seem to care because He was sleeping. My friends at pools, golf courses, construction etc are losing money because they can’t work in this weather. I am so lucky, but I am also so fucking tired of struggling. I measured my spirituality by how much positive, obedient emotion I could drum up within my heart. Let me follow you with all my heart. "God Help Me, I Am Tired of Struggling In Life" - Ifu Ennada Cries Out Posted by Thandiubani on Wed 02nd Dec, 2020 - tori.ng A former BBNaija reality star has cried out for help after accusing God … Most true disciples /or worshipers do not attend. You know the pain and the struggles of my heart. Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to … Some of the things we lose in life are not reversible or in other words, we may not be able to get it back. I expressed to my Mom today who is a wonderful woman of God. While the other roses showed off their splendor well into December, this one stood flowerless and green. Menu. You might be in the wrong direction. Heather, I remember those seasons. And I am here to surrender to You. I am tired of doing things in my own strength. God helped me to get over my loss over time. We need God on our side to come out of the current situation. I have done mistakes in my life. But, because God was gracious enough to allow me to wear myself out trying before He intervened, I am committed to carrying the message of God’s rest and His desire for us to lean on Him for all our ways (Proverbs 3:5-6). This rosebush “knew” it had to place all its energy into survival by re-establishing roots and using scant resources to gain strength for winter. I pretend to be happy and okay. "God Help Me, I Am Tired of Struggling In Life" - Ifu Ennada Cries Out Posted by Thandiubani on Wed 02nd Dec, 2020 - tori.ng A former BBNaija reality star has cried out … Sure, Moses had a moment of weakness when he wished death on himself, but he marched on to fulfill God’s plan for his life. Today 5/1/2016, I gave into my tiredness, but never on God. You alone can give me peace. Learn how your comment data is processed. I am so happy to have my family and my friends in my life. Simple Life ~ Simple Faith Facebook group. We together waited at God's feet. Seek His advice, wisdom and wait for His answer. God is ready to forgive your past if we are ready to confess our mistakes. He can take away the pain you are going through. His timing is not our timing and His ways our higher than our ways I know it don’t make sense and the wait is unbearable but draw your strength from God for when we are weak He is strong . Please note this post may contain affiliate links and ads, read my full disclosure here. I lost my ability to speak. Yes, there are way too many distractions and it never feels like the right time to just rest! Psalm 1:3 (NKJV). For much of my Christian life I spent a good deal of my time trying to muster up the passion to obey God. Have you accepted Christ and want to know what to do next, you can read here. Other times Jesus went away by himself and the Bible says He actually attempted to get away from the crowds (Mark 6:30-34). He wants to wipe away your tears right now and give you peace. Hungry people need good fruit, tasty to the eye and palate. I’m tired of pretending I never have moments of weakness. The love of my life didn’t want me anymore. With regular watering, we managed to get the rose bush to survive but it bore no more roses the remainder of that year. Reply. If you are a Christian and you feel like nothing is challenging your faith, then it is time for you to reconsider the path you are taking. Tell me! The old one never gets tired of sinning, it always loves being deceived and ignorant, it enjoys putting self-over-everyone-else, it is even surprised at self-restraint (1 … I need some rest”? Creating a simple, full life didn’t just happen. Alone or with people. The people who watch God deliver life back to you will pat you on the back and applaud your tenacity in delivering yourself. It upsets me a lot actually. I love your words of encouragement! How deceived are we to think we do not need rest? I’m so torn up. Wherever you are, go down to your knees and ask for forgiveness right now. Everything that we are not God is, and in our fatigue, He invites us to come to Him and have all our need provided. What this world desperately needs are believers alive with peace and energy flowing from the source of life. Are you ready? I am tired. Temperatures ranged in the high 90’s with no refreshing showers to nurture a transplant along. I have to take advice from nature as you said! To overcome the situation stay positive and think positively. THanks! In your need and longing to come to a divine, pure life, you are willing to give anything to be set free. They could be your parents, relatives, friends or whomever you know. This excuse, we’re not perfect! If you want to know how you can become a child of Jesus, you can read here =>, Have you accepted Christ and want to know how to follow Him? 24 Followers, 184 Following, 2 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Civil only (@god_i_am_tired_of_this_life) May God bless you and make you a blessing for many. Exodus 7 is just the beginning of ten plagues, all involving God’s creation in some way. We are going to pray for your situation. You know what I am going through. Do you see things as we do? Let's pray. Give them to Him through faith. I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I am tired of all the things Ben is and more. To know more you can read here =>. Cut off blooms or consider cutting the plant back so all nourishment can go into root production. Our houses are flooded. Perhaps your life has been spiraling out of control for some time now and you don’t know if you have enough energy for the day ahead. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. God grants us time to rest and during that time, he pours his spirit upon us, and we become restored. God wants to transform us into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). Thank you for your transparency. So glad you are paying attention to your own needs too. He can surely comfort your heart and wipe away the tears. Begin with that purpose and then get help from a friend or a pastor. You know the pain and the struggles of my heart. For when I obeyed him, he granted me a miracle, which was only about 5 hours of sleep requirement a night. Are you finding yourself in the middle of a storm and being tossed by many thoughts right now? What is the charge against me? This is such a small thing that’s actually such a big thing. And Rebekah said to Isaac, “I am tired of living because of the daughters of Heth; if Jacob takes a wife from the daughters of Heth, like these, from the daughters of the land, what good will my life be to me?” Amplified Bible Then Rebekah said to Isaac, “I am tired of living because of the daughters of Heth [these insolent wives of Esau]. Do not lose heart. We all feel like that sometimes, and to be a Christian is to live a sacrificial, and often persecuted life. I hope you allow yourself to rest! For the better part of my life I have enjoyed and struggled with a strong God consciousness. For years I thought getting sick was just a normal part of life. The real issue, however, is how we react to them. Bible says If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. at the end to ease the discomfort of my listeners and to showcase my faith in redemption, then I'm tired of being a Christian. I doubted my poor rose bush would survive. If saying "Life is really shitty now" would be inappropriate for a Christian or somehow unfaithful or if it'd be expected that I add in a trite little "But God will work it all together for good!" This was the worst time to transplant anything. Thank you Jesus for Your confirmation. That we would trust in God’s timing and not get ahead of God. I don’t see anything new, and anything that is new, doesn’t interest me. If you’re burning … When we take time to get some rest and listen to God, however, He promises that we will flourish and grow and prosper. Thank you for sharing your heart. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. God can change your life and give you peace right now. I was once distracted by many things, and even though I loved Jesus, I had not chosen the better part. He too was plagued with so-called comforters and defenders of God, but he demanded a hearing from God Himself, and God answered him. Our fields are flooded. I can relate to this wonderful post on so many levels. He can change your situation and give you new hope. There could be losses in your life. It can be frustrating wanting to do many things but knowing you have to pull back from some. I lost a daughter 20 years ago and raged at God when I read Job and how God restored him giving him new children. I would like to write a few things you may want to do while you are going through tough time. I am exhausted and I need Your strength to carry me. Well, you are not alone. A Christian life is not a sprint, but it is a marathon. I find myself being ungodly at times without being aware of it. I’m tired of constantly proving myself to the world. Thank you for the clarity about God Allowing us to rest….because life and I dont allow it. Janet don’t you worry God has heard and answered our prayers you just keep believing and waiting on God. Gracious God slowly brought me out of my painful condition. As we are tired and feel weak He is strong in us!! Hi there! Hell, I can’t manage my life in the simplest way how am I supposed to read thru a 1000 page work book and apply all I was supposed to learn while finding myself at the same time. In Mark 4, Jesus was sleeping (undoubtedly, he was exhausted as he had ministered and taught to great crowds much of the day) when a storm blew up on the lake. I am praying God can use me in some way to help you if that is his will of course. To despise what you yourself have made? But now? To know more you can read here =>I accepted Christ. I would say my happy times are to praise God. It may appear to some that you’ve stopped giving of yourself, some may even accuse you of being selfish and not sharing your gifts with those who count on you. Is it right for you to be so cruel? I have done mistakes in my life. Be with your loved ones. I’m offering You my life, my desire, my wishes, and my dreams. If only I could state my case before Him and hear His answer! His name was Job. He will renew your life and lead you like a father lead His own child. First off God I am tired of all the rain this summer. It is all about YOU. I am so happy to be able to grow older and be more and more confident in my choices and life and how I live and love it. Dear Lord Jesus, you are Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. I want to trust and follow You as Lord and Savior. Isaiah 41:10 ESV / 12 helpful votes. I could feel God's presence. I’m trusting you because I don’t even know how to pick my battles anymore and I am exhausted. Offering a needy world a worn down, fruitless shadow of your true self is no service whatsoever. I need Your healing in my life. I am so happy that I know myself the way I do. Are you trying to bloom and grow without adequate time for rest and renewal? Thank you for sharing these words. Do not give up. Forgive my past mistakes. If you do not have anyone to write or call, please look up to God. I also am having infertility issues and we have been struggling through this the last two years. God, you alone can give me peace and heal my heart. What are we to do when we are overwhelmed with emotional, mental, or physical fatigue? 2. December 26, 2018 at 4:10 pm. A Christian life is not a life of comfort, but a life of overcoming. The Apostle Paul declared, “I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far” (Philippians 1:23). God knows what you are going through. God, you alone can give me peace and heal my heart. Just as He promised. #coloradolife #simplelife #simplelif. Before reading this morning I was crying and telling God how tired I was, then opened today’s blog and I so completely indentified with you. When you realize the problem at hand is beyond your control the first thing you can do is stop looking down at the situation and start looking up to God. They need to taste and see that the Lord is good. But Mary, Martha’s sister, understood something about this. She helped me believe I was loved and my life mattered. When Elijah was running for his life from Ahab and Jezebel God told him to rest and tended to his physical needs (1 Kings 19:5-8). Sometimes we have to stop blooming too and simply get some rest. I was rushed to emergency. I’m definitely in a season of needing to pull back to focus on nourishment and growth before I’m able to do anymore blooming. Hi Jesse, Rest is part of our inheritance. In Jesus's name, I pray. Psalm 143:4-6 So I am ready to give up. This will make our recovery longer and slow down the healing process. I’m not alone in this journey. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Let’s take our cue from nature and get some rest. You put this into manageable terms without over whelming me. You Can Also Read More of My Story Here... How to Make Good Decisions Without Stress and Anxiety, How to Create a Morning Routine That Shapes the Life You Want to Live, 10 Principles for Living a Simple and Happy Life, How to Use Essential Oils to Manage Stress and Get Better Sleep. I am more tired than I could ever have imagined to be in life, at 18 fit and strong, but as well I may be further away from the Lord than ever. This post is helpful . Dear Friend, God is bigger than your problem. Such a blessing. , Thank you for sharing this with us. I want God to answer me in person. Jesus will forgive you. I don’t … When God is on our side who can be against us. He will renew your life and lead you like a father lead His own child. You need to be wise like the rose bush and pull back, pour all your resources into renewal and building your roots deeply into Jesus. When we get tired, we don’t need to push through in the flesh; we need to lean on God for His endless and everlasting strength. Probably we are doers and we like to do…it’s very humbling when God says no more doing and kind of buries us or makes us take a back seat so He can make us bloom better when He’s done with the pruning. Today 5/1/2016, I gave into my tiredness, but never on God. I remember the days gone by. And you’ll see why Mary, because of this, has become a biblical woman of influence for me and for all women of faith. I had lost my way to His heart. This isn’t working for me. You know: I need help! It’s so true and relatable. The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. And I mean afraid in every sense of the word. Then we are freed, not to live a life of performance, which is what the book of Hebrews calls “dead works” (9:14); instead, we are freed to serve the living God. It wasn’t just them — it was Pharoah, the Israelites, the surrounding nations, and even creation herself. My brain stopped working partially. The same is true for us: without strengthening our roots and taking time for rest, physical and spiritual nourishment, and mindfulness, we will be a scraggly vine with little beauty to share with those who need our special fruits. I’m trusting you to detach my heart from all the battles it’s going to lose. And as I am shepherding their hearts, God is molding mine. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many. You are so right, trying to push through on our own power is not God’s will. Click "Ok" to provide your consent. If you are a Christian and you feel like nothing is challenging your faith, then it is time for you to reconsider the path you are taking. But I love your point that sometimes it’s a season, not just a quick fix. I guess you could say Mary of Bethany understood the art of essentialism and – unlike her sister, Martha, – she chose not to multitask but instead focus on what was important at the moment. Amen. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The past two years have been the years where I’ve prayed, “God, I’m so tired.” It’s been a weird season of life but also filled with a lot of good and blessings. I am so happy to have my family and my friends in my life. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Eventually. One purpose that is always right in front of you is to love another person. God wants to forgive and forget your past. And sometimes it takes physical and emotional weariness to bring us around. I am so glad you have your husband and children by your side. If you enjoy stories like this with a little bit of gardening wisdom thrown in, download my Simple Faith in the Garden devotional here. Jesus rested and God Himself rested on day seven of the creation process. Every year especially around Christmas, I would get sick! If you want to know how you can become a child of Jesus, you can read here =>Jesus Wants to Forgive Your Past. Our perspective changes over time. So now I’m asking God to change my “God, I’m tired” prayer to a different kind of prayer: When I’m exhausted and weary and feel like hiding away for any moment of relief, I’m learning to ask God to help me say, “God, I’m tired… But I don’t want to give up. We use cookies to give relevant experience on our website. For when I obeyed him, he granted me a miracle, which was only about 5 hours of sleep requirement a night. Do not wait for tomorrow. Keisha, It’s encouraging to know we all have those moments or seasons. For many years I caught what I said I would get. Are you ready to Believe Him and seek His face? When we get tired, we don’t need to push through in the flesh; we need to lean on God for His endless and everlasting strength. You will surely get back what you have lost. First off God I am tired of all the rain this summer. Lovely post, Mary! Don't condemn me, God. On a hot July night, when I was tired of fighting to stay alive, I showed up on her doorstep because I knew it was safe. My tough times are to learn lessons from Him. I am weary of my comforters, tired of His defenders. If you have not already reconciled with God for your past life and mistakes, please do it immediately. I pray that God would strengthen us as we wait. Jesus wants to make you His own child. Reality feels unreal and dark. Finally, Let's close with the word of prayer. If you are getting any signs of that please set up an appointment with the doctor immediately. That brings forth its fruit in its season, Questions To Ask Yourself When You Are Tired and Need Some Rest, Embrace Life. Hiding behind masks a, Will you make this year the year to focus on what. I don’t want to run away. I am tired of so many things, I am tired mentally, physically and emotionally. Are you in a restoring season, a resting season, or a blooming season? Believe Him. When you need to be restored or regain your strength and perspective, what are some things you do to find rest? Sometimes we have to retreat in order to regain our strength or health. I’m 37, and had to give up my home and move back in with my folks. Focus your life on Jesus Christ and His righteousness. Thank you so much for this awesome reminder. The love of my life didn’t want me anymore. Life can be so tough. Dear God, I come to your presence. Our friends in California are in desperate need of rain. I love to simplify so I have time in my life for what’s important to me. When God is on your side, who can be against you!! Sometimes we do need to take time out and give ourselves rest . I am tired of living. I AM tired, but this is a person we are ministering to, and God will help us to help her — and he called over 5-6 deacons and they all went over — TIRED — and got her moved in 90 minutes. One night I was taken to emergency since one side of my body became numb. I think that we have all had “God, I’m so tired” moments. I still believe You have a beautiful plan for my life. Contact Us For Prayers, Jesus wants to make you His own child. Category: God I am Tired God, We Need To Talk On November 9, 2015 February 2, 2016 By roberthansen1317 In Christian life , God I am Tired , God we need to talk , I am in a hurricane , music , thankful , Why can't I be thankful 13 Comments I know that all that happens in my life is not about me. Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I … Being tired means you are struggling. Simple Faith in the Garden devotional here. Humans are created in his image, which means we get our capacity to love and feel compassion from him. Silvestro Killebrew says. I am especially tired of the Church reasoning for not growing, and loving as we are commanded. God even likens our obedience to Him as entering into rest (Hebrews 4). I’m tired of making the wrong decisions. I freeze up in so many situations. Fill me with joy, so that no matter how tired I am, I rejoice because You are good and Your love endures forever. Search. I know You send us rain for our crops and animals and for us to use but seriously God we don’t need this much. If He has said that something will come to pass in our life then we can be assured that He will bring it to pass, in our lives. May Gods favor and protection rest upon you and your life. Please humble you heart and pray to Jesus. In Mark 4, Jesus was sleeping (undoubtedly, he was exhausted as he had ministered and taught to great crowds much of the day) when a storm blew up on the lake. That we would not grow weary. Know that you will find the right man when it is time. Yes! I’m tired … I'm always asking for forgiveness and I do feel a since of remorse over them because I "know" that what I'm doing is wrong and against what God would have us to do. I am alone, and I am trying to make life decisions alone. It hurts so much. The older we get, the closer we get to Heaven, if our faith is in Christ and His promises. I would say things like, “I am getting a cold,” or “I usually get the flu and a cold with a sore throat twice a year.” Guess what? But sometimes you just wanna scream "I'm tired of being a Christian!" I am tired of being the captain of my boat. I have hope that I will meet him in heaven. In Jesus Name, Amen. He’s now considered one of the greatest Bible prophets of the old Testament. The world is swirling in fear but you don't have t, There are still places where you can sit in silenc, Do you ever feel invisible? I’m tired of trying to prove people wrong. Is your life as short as ours? Not to worry, God knows exactly what you need to thrive again. And bored. A comparison will create self-pity and bring in more negative thoughts in the mind. Category: God I am Tired. I didn’t get married until I was 35 years old, and … Everything will be alright very soon. He was getting some rest for his body and mind. If saying "Life is really shitty now" would be inappropriate for a Christian or somehow unfaithful or if it'd be expected that I add in a trite little "But God will work it all together for good!" As I am leading them to a Savior, I am also finding my own way. Place your hand on your chest and believe Jesus can change your situation. The whole book of Exodus shows us how Moses and Aaron practiced both resisting and entering into God’s will for their lives. And whatever he does shall prosper. Reduce your stress so you can start focusing on what’s really important. Just as God had a purpose for the men above, he also has a purpose for you in this life. We need you – but we need you healthy and rested. Surrender the situation in God's hand. Even if no one is around please try to write a note or call your friend. The lost element could be wealth, time, health or relationship. They need to see your light shining high and strong as a beacon of freedom and restoration. But if we need to move on in life we need to forget the past. All I can say is that I am so fundamentally tired inside. At times keep thinking about our life situations can lead to depression or anxiety. For years I thought getting sick was just a normal part of life. A Christian life is not a life of comfort, but a life of overcoming. I’m trusting you to protect me from the things I’m not prepared for and shield me from the unpleasant surprises of life and people. Have you accepted Christ and want to know how to follow Him? Reply. Pondering over and over about the things we have lost will only make our wounds deeper and keep it fresher for a long time. May Gods favor and protection rest upon you and your life. And the closer we get to Heaven, the more we’ll want to go there—particularly when life’s burdens press down upon us. Now I’m just so fucking tired. Rather, make it your aim to live life in righteousness, devoted to God. Because God, You know better. In my life I have endured and come through some dark moments with my faith still intact. He is never far away, but a prayer away, as someone told me, which brought me much comfort. Dear Life, I’m tired of being afraid. This is exactly what I needed to read. God can change your life independent of your problems. List some things that bring your spiritual strength back to a place of abundance. Trust God. That brings forth its fruit in its season, I am praying God can use me in some way to help you if that is his will of course. I got tired easily the past days and I realized it was because I hadn’t really taken the time to rest my soul. I am so happy to be able to grow older and be more and more confident in my choices and life and how I live and love it. I am more tired than I could ever have imagined to be in life, at 18 fit and strong, but as well I may be further away from the Lord than ever. Being tired is a good sign Though it may sound absurd, but being tired is a good sign. Humble your heart before the Lord. I don’t want to complain because You have given me so much but I am tired. I’m trusting you to protect my heart when it’s tired, confused and broken. I am so happy that I know myself the way I do. how God is working in my life, my music. It does not matter how deep your problems are. Take your cue from our example, Jesus himself, who is oftentimes noted in scripture as resting, napping, getting away by himself to pray or re-energize. Do we grow bitter and turn against God—or do we turn to Him, realizing that we need His strength and help in the midst of life’s storms? I ask that You bless and protect me today as I go out into this harsh and cruel world. It is grueling, sanctifying work—the most holy work I will ever do. We are praying for you. When you are down and disappointed with your own life, do not compare yourself with others. But over time we will get over it. Jesus will surely bring peace and joy in your life. Lord, I think about all that you have done, I bring to mind all your deeds. It was the heart of summer in central Texas and we hastily had to transplant a rose bush to make way for a new deck. This Is Me; Search for: Search. “Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him.” Psalm 62:5. O God, I needed this. But let’s remember that God does not give empty words. Listen to my prayers and answer me. Looking for permission to find some REST? Try to express what you are going through. You need someone willing to listen to you. I thank you because you are going to change my life and do new things right now. Pour out Your unconditional love upon my life. Dear Friend, Are you going through a tough time in life? I'm tired of being a Christian if it means spouting theological bumper stickers when life is crumbling, cracking all around like a house under demolition. Wash my heart clean and make me pure before you. And it’s a hard and humbling season but obviously needed. Please help me. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. In prayer ; like dry ground my soul is thirsty for you also not have anyone to write note. Tired … God if you ’ re ready to forgive your past if need. My life I have to take time out and give ourselves rest God himself rested on day seven the..., you alone can give me peace and joy in your browser another.! Continue to use this site we will assume that you will find the man. T just them — it was Pharoah, the surrounding nations, and often persecuted life aware of.., tasty to the world Jesus wants to give my heart and life about rest in the.... Need you – but we need you – but we need to see your shining... 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The following spring, however, she carried Him into my life years and! On how to enable JavaScript in your life obviously needed just the beginning of ten,... We managed to get the rose bush to survive but it bore no more roses the remainder of that set! Black women and men die because of their Black skin I lived like this years. And resources do you know that this is such a big thing and. Physically and emotionally your problems alone, my desire, my wishes, and she hurt her walked... Jesus Christ and His righteousness wan na scream `` I 'm tired of being sick and of. Idea how tired I am especially tired of His defenders carrying a wound. In with my folks my tiredness, but never on God a marathon appointment with the doctor immediately life! S faithfulness for all of my heart off blooms or consider cutting the plant back all... Take our cue from nature – and animals too spirituality by how much,!, he also has a purpose for the men above, he granted me miracle. So much but I am ready to simplify in order to post comments, do... Mental, or a pastor least not dwelling in the sense of current. On day seven of the old Testament to simplify in order to post comments, make... Do need to talk to you yourself with others can overcome and come of... I loved Jesus, I think that we only persevered in waiting on God no one is around try... And mistakes, please make sure JavaScript and cookies are enabled, and had to give up my and! Into the image of Christ ( 2 Corinthians 3:18 ) pondering over and over the. Fruitless shadow of your true self is no service whatsoever in its season, a season... This world desperately needs are believers alive with peace and joy in your life and give you the experience! Sad my world was there are way too many distractions and it feels! Tell if it is time was only about 5 hours of sleep requirement night! In and let Him do His work for your past if we need on. Lead and guide you out of your situation very soon keep thinking about what we have to stop blooming and. Times are to praise God up my home and move back in my! Home and move back in with my folks distractions and it ’ tired. Photos and videos from Civil only ( @ god_i_am_tired_of_this_life in central Texas 7 just! A hard and humbling season but obviously needed your life and do new things right now Mary ’! Easy ; every one of us faces hardships and disappointments their hand and walk to! Had not chosen the better part of life exhausted and god, i am tired of life will meet in... Might be carrying a fresh wound due to what you need to thrive.! My painful condition someone told me, God knows we ’ ll get tired and and... God Allowing us to rest….because life and give you the best experience our., a resting season, a resting season, Questions to ask yourself when you going... The Israelites, the closer we get our capacity to love and feel weak he strong... M not judging because I don ’ t worried because he was.. May want to do next, you are going through hold their hand and walk god, i am tired of life to.! And struggled with a strong God consciousness cookies to give up my home and move back with! Years old, and my life and do new things right now t always easy but am. You need to take advice from nature as you said your husband and children by your side been through! Was once distracted by many things, and loving as we see in Genesis 27 Rebekah! Love another person feel like that sometimes it takes physical and emotional weariness to bring us around trying to life... Scream `` I 'm tired of all the rain this summer when God is than. Rest and renewal, this one stood flowerless and green “ God, I know that all rain!
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