The U.S. Census Bureau’s Age Search Service,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, To view the file, you will need the Adobe® Reader® available free from Adobe. setTimeout( var notice = document.getElementById("cptch_time_limit_notice_29"); 12) Madison County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Wampsville, NY, 2 rolls, FHL Film #408499-408500, see 25) Tompkins County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Ithaca, NY, 1 roll, FHL film #853062, see The Superintendent of the Census was Francis Amasa Walker. 1) Floyd County, originals at the courthouse, Charles City, IA, 2-vols.,1 roll, FHL film #1481693, for access to the digital images, see Embed. })(120000); Schedule 5: Blind. The list shows any state/territory with counties having an original county copy of their 1880 Federal Census (Short Form) and where the originals are located today. Schedule 7a: Pauper and Indigent. They were often borrowed by businesses, politicians, or government officials. 22) Schenectady County, originals at the courthouse, Schenectady, NY, 1 roll, FHL film #513833, see 1) Albany County, originals at the Albany County Hall of Records, Albany, NY, 4 vols., 4 rolls, FHL film #521940-521943, see The 1880 census began on 1 June 1880. 5) Cayuga County, originals at the County Office Building, Auburn, NY, 2 rolls, FHL film #853208-853209, see 1880 Federal Census Partial Located at USGenWeb Archives Census Project [Report Broken Link] 1880 Federal Census - Lower Turkeyfoot Twp. T9. 26) Washington County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Fort Edwards, NY, 2 rolls, FHL film #512703-512704, see because the 1890 census forms were destroyed by a fire in Washington, D.C., a few years later, the 1880 census carries extra importance.,,,,,,,,,,, To Dan Litzer: Thanks for your comment… 6) Chautauqua County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Mayville, NY, 2 rolls, FHL film #479646-479647, for the digital images, see This was the tenth census conducted since 1790. Determine the date the census record enumeration starts. HEADINGS FOR THE NON-POPULATION CENSUS SCHEDULES – AGRICULTURE - 1850 THROUGH 1880 Improved Unimproved Cash Value of Farm Value of farming Implements and Machinery Horses Asses and Mules Milk Cows Working Oxen Other Cattle Sheep Swine Value of Livestock Wheat, bushels Rye, bushels Indian Corn, bushels Oats, Bushels Rice, lbs Tobacco, lbs Would you believe it… my Census Book was done in 1999, covered details on all censuses through 1930… and here it is 2019 (already?) 3) Waldo County, originals at the courthouse, Belfast, ME, 1 roll, FHL film #12414, see Yes No. 3) Ionia County, 1 roll, FHL film #915310, see Download. The Short Forms were prepared by the census supervisor for every U.S. county, consisted of a list of residents in loose alphabetical order, with each person’s name, age, sex, and color. If on microfilm at the FHL in Salt Lake City, FHL film numbers are included, with a link to the online FHL catalog page. Censuses & Tax Records at Pages labeled “A” would have surnames beginning with the letter A, but not alphabetized after the first letter. 1790-1890 Federal Population Censuses - Part 7 Search Census Records Online See Also: 1790-1890 Censuses: Table of Contents Census Records Online Genealogy: Census Records Microfilm Availability and Access Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. 13) Monroe County, originals at the County Historian’s Office, Rochester City Library, Rochester, NY. 1900 Blank Census Form. ©The Generations Network 2007 To search the 1820 census online, visit Ancestry Census Form 004 Name of the county, parish, township, town, or city where the family resides 1930 Blank Census Form. Get MyHeritage Complete for 50% Off – Through Feb. 26, 2021. Details for each of New York’s 62 counties. Download. Determine the date the census record enumeration starts. (6) Age at last birthday prior to June 1, 1880. Questions Asked for the 1880 Census GenealogyBlog article, see Old City Directories – Before the Internet. Also, there was no retention of complete family groups, i.e., persons within a family with different surnames; nor were there relationships given for family members. and a new edition of the Census Book is in work – lists of available state copies of federal censuses is one of the things that will be added to the new edition. }, This interesting article reminds me that the Wisconsin Historical Society has the original state copy manuscripts of the 1850, 1860 and 1870 U.S. Censuses. The material that the project. 9) Oceana County, 1 roll, FHL film #915328, see 9) Fulton County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Johnstown, NY, 1 roll, FHL film #465984, see 1) Harrison County, originals at one of two courthouses, Biloxi or Gulfport, MS, 1 roll, FHL film #2230573, for access to the digital images, see The 1880 Census Short Forms have never been microfilmed, for information, see  −  No, thanks. The federal court system was no longer involved, and the secretaries of state were bypassed as well. The census of 1885 was requested and partially funded by the federal government and is therefore considered a Federal Census – even though only a small number of states took part. 19) Rensselaer County, original records at the County Clerk’s Office, Troy, NY, 5 rolls, FHL film #549900-549903, & 550436, see This differs from state censuses that were organized and funded at the state level. The 1880 Census Short Forms have never been microfilmed, for information, visit the County Historian’s Facebook page, see The column headings can be difficult to read on many of the original census records. More DNA-Related Research Guides at up to 70% Off Thru Dec. 31! The first of the two rolls (Ackley, et al) is the only one digitized to date, for the microfilm and digital images, see Comments or suggestions? 1) Crawford County, originals at the Georgia Archives: FHL film #7013, see Soon after the 1880 Short Forms were made public, an array of every-name City Directories began appearing in print for virtually every city of the United States. A county-by-county search in the state archives inventories, FHL catalog, and local repositories, reveals that there are only 48 counties of the U.S. with surviving 1880 Short Forms. [I have rendered this with the number of months and m thus 1m] (7) If born within the census year, give the month. Extract of column headings on 1880 blank form 1 county found: 1890 US Census Form. New York State Censuses & Substitutes. 27 counties found: Using state/local archival inventories or the FHL catalog, the discovery of any county’s surviving 1880 Short Forms was part of the research for Dollarhide’s  52-book series Censuses & Substitute Name Lists. 11 counties found, originals located at the State Archives, Lansing, MI, except as noted below: In the 1850-1870 census years, the originals had remained in the county courthouses, while copies were made and transmitted to Washington, DC. 2 counties found: The first number shows the page from the enumeration district (this can be found on the top of the census page) and the second number is the line they are found on. Iowa. 1880 Short Form: The county copy, or Short Form, was an abbreviated copy of the census name lists, designed to be on public display at a courthouse after the census was completed. The 2020 Tour has been cancelled due to COVID-19. Old City Directories – Before the Internet. He is 54 years old, a widower, and works in a grocery. Kansas. 2) Allegany County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Belmont, NY, 1 roll, FHL film #506765, see 2) Eaton County, 1 roll, FHL film #915304, see One hundred and fifty supervisors of census have been, or will be, appointed; one or more for eac… See Dakota Territory. In addition to the 1880 Census, the 1879 census act also provided for interdecennial censuses by any state or territory, through their duly appointed officers, during the 2 months beginning with the first Monday of June 1885 (State Censuses: An Annotated Bibliography of Census of Population Taken After the Year 1790 by States and Territories of the United States, Prepared by Henry J. Dubester). Before 1880, most commercial directories were primarily related to businesses, not individual households. Oklahoma, territory, 1890; state, 1907. How to find an old 1880 County Short Form today. Dakota Territory was divided into the states of North Dakota and South Dakota in 1889. Start at the top of the census record. Located at Van Buren Co. ARGenweb [Report Broken Link] 1880 Federal Census - Valley Twp. The law required the county clerk in each New York county to “carefully save and preserve” the state census originals. In fact, they were too popular to remain in one place. While these questions were asked in a number of different census years, it is only in 1880 that we find the Defective Schedules. One of the pieces of information new to this census … Decennial Census Photos Last Revised: January 18, 2017. After the month of August 1880, the counties could do what they wanted with the Short Forms. 1880 Census Enumerator Form. City directories before 1880 were mainly business/trade  directories, and those with the names of every head of house in a town/city/county were actually quite rare. 3 1880 US Census Form. X. New Mexico Genealogical Society Blog: 1885 US Census - Free blank form. 16) Orange County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Goshen, NY. United States Census, 1880. 2) Franklin County, originals at the Georgia Archives, FHL film #7016, see Obama is a 10th-Generation Grandson of Edward FitzRandolph, Bamberg County African-American History Resource Collection Opening in the Bamberg [South Carolina] Public Library, Map Guide to German Parish Registers: Rhineland III and Palatinate (Pfalz), Related to the Boss? The President of the United States on the census date was Rutherford B. Hayes. Your email address will not be published. From 1900 forward, there was only one original copy made, and in fact, after the originals were microfilmed by the Census Bureau during the World War II years, the originals from 1900-1940 were destroyed. The official census population count was 50,189,209. timeout X. Miller, Wagner, Hoffman, Bauer, & Becker Heraldry and Genealogy Volumes – 25% off! 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Genealogy Research Using Military Records, National Archives Catalog Guide for Genealogists, 1900 Special Inquires Relating to Indians, 1910 Special Inquires Relating to Indians. The popularity of the 1880 Short Form gave several directory publishers the incentive to produce their own versions, and some began producing a new publication every year thereafter. None found. Officially known as the "Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes," this enumeration is more commonly known as the "Defective Schedules" or the "3D Schedules." The template on this page is free to download and includes separate worksheets for the following U.S. Census forms: 1800 Census, 1810 Census, 1820 Census, 1830 Census, 1840 Census, 1850 Census, 1860 Census, 1870 Census, 1880 Census, 1900 Census, 1910 Census, 1920 Census, 1930 Census, and 1940 Census. Some Springsteen Genealogy…, A Yorkshire Squadron: History of 431 RCAF Squadron, German Immigrants in American Church Records, Mobile Genealogy – Tablets & Smart Phones, New England Historic Genealogical Society, California Genealogical Society & Library Blog, Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Blog, Canadian Vital Records at, USA Death & Probate Records at, USA State & Terr. display: none !important; The original schedules were the ones transmitted to the Census Office in Washington, DC, while the Short Form copies were kept at each county courthouse. Names index to population schedules listing inhabitants of the United States in 1880. Microfilm is available at the New York State Archives, for information, see The 1880 Federal Census: A Quick Look: A Genealogists’ Insta-Guide. More British Research Guides – Discounted 50-70% for Year-End Sales, Regina Negrycz’ Ancestral Guides – 20% Off (Just $4 each) Through Dec. 31, 2020, Surviving Mother Nature’s Tests: The Effects Climate Change and Other Natural Phenomena have had on the lives of our Ancestors – 40% Off, British Guides (including England, Ireland & Scotland) – 20 to 75% Off Thru Dec. 31, 2020, Dozens of Additional Books Discounted for the Holidays at the FRPC Year-End Sale thru Dec. 31, 2020, American Scots-Irish Research – 20% Off Through Dec. 31, 2020, Indiana Research Guide & Source Book Sale – 15-90% Off, Historic German Newspapers Online – Second Edition. The 1880 Federal Census of the United States was one of the first censuses to include detailed information about the country’s inhabitants (before 1870 only basic information about head of household was collected). Here is an example. Schedule 7: Prisoners. 15) Ontario County, originals at Records, Archives, and Information Management Services (RAIMS), Canandaigua, NY, 6 vols., 2 rolls, FHL film #590812-590813, see The states of Florida, Nebraska and Colorado and the territories of New Mexico and Dakota took up this opportunity to enumerate their people. I am in the middle of compiling a list of states holding original state copies of the 1850, 1860, 1870 census (the only years in which any state copies were made). 1880 US Census Form The 1880 US census was the first to identify the relationship of each individual to the head of the household. See Dakota Territory . The United States Census of 1880 conducted by the Census Bureau during June 1880 was the tenth United States Census. 24) Steuben County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Bath, NY, 3 rolls, FHL film #519415-519417, see [PDF] or denotes a file in Adobe’s Portable Document Format . 6) Keweenaw County, 1 roll, FHL film #915274, see National Archives and Records Administration NA Form 14119a (6-10) The U.S. Government did not furnish uniform printed schedules until 1830. Census Search by Name ( Search Form)If you have an subsciption, you will be able to search all the census years for a person by name (without knowing the address) and then view the image of that person's census page.There are various forms on the ancestry website that allows you to do this search. 1880 Federal Census - Red River Twp. 10 Most Common Census Errors - Who are You Made Of? Schedule 3: Idiots. Please reload the CAPTCHA. The free daily online genealogy nautamagazine. 1) Androscoggin County, originals at the courthouse, Auburn, ME, 1 roll, FHL film #10521, see South Dakota became a state in 1889. 14) Oneida County, originals at the Utica Public Library, Utica, NY, 2 rolls, FHL film #1435185-435186, for the digital images, see 1880 Census Questionnaire. Oklahoma. 4) Kalamazoo County, 1 roll, FHL film #915313, see In 1880 only, an original and one Short Form copy of the census schedules were made. The enabling law for the 1880 census called for a census day of June 1, 1880, with 30 days to complete the enumeration. 1880 was the last census year in which any copy at all was made of the census schedules. The 1880 Census Short Forms have never been microfilmed, for information, visit the Orange County Historian’s website, see 17) Orleans County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Albion, NY, 1 roll, FHL film #592750, see Georgia. The 1880 Short Form name lists were an instant success. 1880 Defective Schedules. This is a blank form for the special 1885 United States Census. Located at Somerset Co. PA Genealogy [Report Broken Link] 1880 Federal Census - Upper Turkeyfoot Twp. 3 counties found: Five times the number of enumerators were used in conducting the 1880 census compared with the 1870. A blank 1880 census form is always a good thing to have on hand when you are analyzing a census record. 1880 Census Enumerator Form., The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration The official census date for the 1880 Census was Tuesday, June 1, 1880 (a leap year) and the resulting enumeration recorded a U.S. population of 50,189,209 for the 38 states, as well as territories mentioned above. The Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Census schedules are arranged by state, county, and enumeration district (ED). (8) Relationship of each person to the head of this family--whether wife, son, daughter, servant, boarder, or other. index and images to population schedules listing inhabitants of the United States and place of residence on June 1,1880 By law, they were put on public display for one month at each county courthouse. 1 county found: South Dakota. Hawaii. Census Forms Census extraction forms are doubly valuable: not only do they allow researchers to see the format and column headings for various census years (especially if the schedules themselves are hard to read), they also provide a clean and convenient method … 1920 Blank Census Form. As a result of annual directories being published with updated name lists, the 1880 Short Forms soon became obsolete. Census Extraction Forms are doubly valuable: not only do they allow researchers to see the format and column headings for various census years (especially if the schedules themselves are hard to read), they also provide a clean and convenient method for extracting and filing important information you find. if ( notice ) Any of the rolls with digital images are highlighted. For a few years after the 1880 census they were an item of great interest in the communities. For the 1880 census, enumerators asked residents questions across several categories, including occupation, health, education, and nativity. 7) Columbia County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Hudson, NY, 2 rolls, FHL film #479103-479104, see 1) Brown County, originals at the courthouse, Hiawatha, KS, 1 roll, FHL film #1871055, see How many of those have survived nationwide? So far, I can tell you that certain years exist for Wisconsin (1850,1860, 1870); Michigan (1860 certain counties only), Minnesota (1850, 1860), and Colorado Territory (1870). 2 counties found, both filmed under the title, Lists of Persons Enumerated in the 1880 Federal Census for Georgia: 1940 Blank Census Form. None taken. ©The Generations Network 2007 To search the 1880 census online, visit Ancestry Census Form 010 Name of street House number Dwelling houses numbered in order of visitation. 5. Families numbered in order of visitation. On the main 1880 U.S. Census (Schedule 1), Fred K Merten is listed as living in Woodstock, Illinois. Dakota Territory. function() { The 1880 census was carried out under a law enacted March 3, 1879. North Dakota became a state in 1889. 11) Washtenaw County, 1 roll, FHL film #955815, originals at the Bentley Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, see Alaska Department. The census data was sent to the university in the form of 1,454. reels of microfilm, weighing 700 pounds. Since the Short Forms provided an every-name index to the inhabitants of a county, it was a unique directory, mailing list, voter list, and in some cases, the only means by which local politicians could learn the names of their constituents. 2) Kennebec County, originals at the courthouse, Augusta, ME, 2 rolls, FHL film #11316 (Surnames A-R) and film #11317 (Surnames S-Z), see Families numbered in order of visitation. Time limit is exhausted. }, Plan to join us on the 2021 36th Annual Salt Lake Christmas Tour - December 6 through 11, 2021. This census gives us a glimpse into the lives of Americans in 1880, and contains information about a household’s occupants including birthplaces, occupations, health conditions, and education. For that reason, there are few of the original 1880 Short Form lists still around today. 11) Livingston County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Geneseo, NY, 2 rolls, FHL film #510546 and #510549, see 10) Green County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Catskill, NY, 1 roll, FHL film #480080, see = "block"; This was also the first time the state, county, name of the street and house number was included. Part 1 Located at Van Buren Co. ARGenweb [Report Broken Link] 1880 Federal Census - Red River Twp. 1) Barry County, 1 roll, FHL film #915282, see Mississippi. Schedule 4: Deaf-Mutes. 1910 Blank Census Form. There were 2,570 counties in the U.S. in 1880, and each of them retained a copy of their 1880 Short Forms as an index to their county residents. Information in the DDD schedule identifies location of the individual in the population schedules (called schedule 1). 27) Wyoming County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Warsaw, NY, 1 roll, FHL film #817071, for the digital images, see The period of enumeration is by law limited to the month of June, and in cities having 10,000 inhabitants and over, according to the census of 1870, is still further limited to the first two weeks of June. As a result census returns may vary, and sometimes give While these questions were asked in a number of different census years, it is only in 1880 that we find the Defective Schedules. 1890 Blank Census Form. Listed by column number, the following information was gathered: Number of dwelling home, in order of visitation by the enumerator Number of family, in order of visitation by the enumerator Color—White, W: Black, B: Mulatto, Mu: Chinese, C: Indian, I. Sex—Male, M: Female, F. Age at last birthday prior to June 1, 1880. Researching the 1880 Census Up Close. Under the provisions of the act approved March 3, 1879, amended by the act approved April 20, 1880, a census of the population, wealth, and industry of the United States is to be taken on, or of the date, June 1, 1880. It was the first time that women were permitted to be enumerators. 5) Kent County, 1 roll, FHL film #984115, see Is this page helpful? Most of Tennessee's original forms were also lost, other than Grainger and Rutherford counties. Part 2 Located at Van Buren Co. ARGenweb [Report Broken Link] 1880 Federal Census - Union Twp. None taken. Stories From My Grandparent – 20% Off for the Year-End Sale – While Stocks Last, A Broken Tree – a must-read by Steve Anderson, Searching for One-Room School Pictures from Isabella County, Michigan, Dwight Radford’s New “The Journey Home Genealogy” Blog. Description. 20) Richmond County, original records at the Municipal Archives, New York City, NY, 1 roll, FHL film #946691, for the digital images, see 1) Hampden County, originals at the courthouse, Springfield, MA, 4 vols., 2 rolls, FHL film #1451427, see 18) Otsego County, originals located at the Huntington Memorial Library, Oneonta, NY. 1880 Blank Census Form. The following article by my friend Bill Dollarhide is a comprehensive listing of data and links relating to the 1880 United States Federal Census Short Forms: Prologue: In 1880, for the first time, the all new Census Office in Washington, DC, was given full power to hire its own census takers and take full control of the job of taking the census across the country. 2) Hardin County, originals at the courthouse, Eldora, IA, 2-vols., 2 rolls, FHL film #1547838. The enumeration was to be completed within thirty days, or within two weeks for communities with populations of 10,000 or more. Within each ED, the schedules are divided into seven In the 1880 U.S. Federal Census, a supplemental schedule called “Dependent, Defective, and Delinquent Classes” was included. However, it is ironic that the great interest in the 1880 Short Forms is what led to their disappearance. Schedule 6: Homeless Children. The initial popularity of the 1880 Short Form listing waned after a few years because the availability of updated every-name directories made them obsolete. If under 1 year, give months in fractions, thus: 8/12 If born within the Census year, give the month. Source of the List: Each of the countywide resource lists for 3,146 U.S. counties were visited between January 2017 and July 2018. Required fields are marked *, (function( timeout ) { This was the tenth census conducted since 1790. Names index to population schedules listing inhabitants of the United States in 1880. This was also the first time the state, county, name of the street and house number was included. None taken. 3) Broome County, originals at the County Clerk’s Office, Binghamton, NY, 2 rolls, FHL film #808832-808833, see Your email address will not be published. Biden Begins Presidency With Positive Ratings; Trump Departs With Lowest-Ever Job Mark. However, a few have never been microfilmed and have been sitting in a clerk’s office for over 138 years. Most of the forms are contained in Bureau of the Census, 200 Years of U.S. Census Taking: Population and … A blank 1880 census form is always a good thing to have on hand when you are analyzing a census record. 1880 Census Enumerator Form. 7) Lapeer County, 1 roll, FHL film #915317, see Michigan. This schedule included different forms to … There are more surviving county copies of federal censuses in New York than any other state, by far. 2 Massachusetts. The 1880 United States Federal Census contains information about 50 million individuals. 255 … 21) Rockland County, originals at the County Archives, Pomona, NY, 2 rolls, FHL film #564817/19, for the digital images, see 4) Cattaraugus County, originals at the courthouse, Little Valley, NY, 2 rolls, FHL film #584493-584494. for the digital images, see
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